AVN Stars Interview: Breton MacQueen

Breton MacQueen is the featured AVN Star in the October issue of AVN magazine. Click here to see the digital edition.

Who is Breton MacQueen? A powerful force of nature who channels her creativity into the adult industry, MacQueen is a pro domme who has found success on the new AVN Stars platform with femdom content leavened by “added Canadian humor.” Articulate and sharp-witted, MacQueen has built a strong following on AVN Stars, and after getting to know her a bit, we can see why. “I hope someone informed you that Canadians are wordy,” she jokes. Settle in for a leisurely read as MacQueen answers a series of questions, generously sharing insights about herself, her work and the BDSM community.

What part of Canada are you from?

I am actually from Nova Scotia, a peninsula on the East Coast of Canada that is surrounded by the beautiful Atlantic Ocean. More specifically, I was born and grew up in what I like to think is the most breathtaking place in the world. An island by the name of Cape Breton Island. Cape Breton Island is attached to the mainland of Nova Scotia and is a place where the culture is as beautiful as the scenery. A person can certainly expect to see a lot of the ocean, the beaches and the East Coast language when following me.

Do you speak both English and French?

I actually took a French class in grades 4 through 12 growing up. However, while I can grasp what someone is saying if they speak slowly, I am far from fluent in spoken or written responses. Interestingly enough, however, the East Coast has its very own version of spoken French. The more you get us going, the more confusing it is for either a fully English-speaking or French-speaking individual.

How long have you been working as a pro domme?

I have been blessed to be able to work as a pro domme for more than a decade now. I loathe saying that it is a profession that was made for me, as it sounds so clichéd; however, it rings true for me. For as long as I can remember, my parents have proudly boasted that I would either end up being a lawyer or needing one, due to the way I could convince most to see things the way that I wished them to and leave them happy about it.

Quite honestly, there was never a point in my life that I wasn’t surrounded by people who were more than happy to see things my way or who would do what they could to make sure that I got my way.

Growing up in the era that I did, the socially deviant and open-minded way that I lived my life certainly cleared the way for the many who followed to feel free with who they were. I am an incredibly protective individual some would call stubborn or set in my beliefs. If it was not hurting anyone, breaking any laws, or was a consensual act between two (or more) sane adults, then I not only supported it and encouraged it, but downright fought for it. Having lived my teen years being such a strong voice representing diversity and what was then seen as social deviance and sexual liberation of women, naturally other deviants were drawn to feeling that protection, mutual respect and love and always found ways to show me they appreciated it. Whether it be through gifts, taking care of my home, providing for financially and otherwise, or just through encouraging my own experimentation of my own desires, I became a lifestyle domme with quite a flock, which later grew into a profession for me. I find it funny that even today when I would visit my hometown, you will come across many who to this day call me Mom, Mother and even Grandmother.

My naturally dominant and leading personality, alongside my activism and the support of my parents, certainly plays a big part of who I am today.

What first attracted you about adult entertainment? Were you more interested in performing or in photography?

I wasn’t attracted to working in “online adult entertainment” until later in my life. I had dabbled in it for financial reasons online approximately a decade ago on a cam site, but the adult content that was in demand was not “up my alley.” After three weeks, I was done. Oddly enough, though, I do log into that site occasionally in PJs to do an “Ask a dominatrix” sit-down. But my interest was always creating beautiful adult photography and art from behind the camera.

That being said, two years ago, maybe three, my old Canon Mark had decided to take a swim that it never came back from. I was looking for a photo contest online when I came across one for a clip site that I won’t name and immediately noticed that many other pro dommes were on Twitter. I was drawn to it instantly as there was so many kinks I had yet to dabble in and the reach was so much further than I had without. I decided to give it a week, and a couple years later, here I am with no new replacement camera yet. My interests had a marked shift toward online fun. I can’t foresee any circumstance where I wouldn’t want to be a part in some aspect of the online adult industry.

I want to add that I do not create as much video content as many at the same level of online success. I do not engage as much as others do. I do not want those entering the industry to look at my work and think this is all that is required, as this simply is not the case. I have been blessed with who are, in my opinion, just the best and most supportive submissives.

What other types of adult entertainment have you been involved with?

Photography, as mentioned above. I am proud to say that I have had my work published a number of times under my legal name. I truly adore the beauty of nude outdoor photography or high-contrast fine art or kink images.

What did you do before you got into the adult industry?

I have done a variety of things. I’ve never truly had a long-term 9-to-5 job, in the sense of I had to do something for pay that I didn’t believe in. That’s not to say I haven’t had to work survival jobs to put food on the table, but I have been blessed for the most part to only have done work that has inspired me. I have had contracts with the government in a position to create change. I have been paid to write pieces for different publishers. I have done volunteer work and have been the keynote speaker at a variety of conferences or charity galas. I have fostered more than 100 animals, and have run a rescue of my own. I have helped play a part in placing puppies in jails to be trained, which has given my government some interesting data regarding apparent lowered recidivism rates. I have organized protests, festivals, charity events. Basically, I have always just done what I felt was right for me.

What was the first content you created?

It was indie and it would have been something that would be sold today as cuck content if it still existed.

How did you hear about AVN Stars?

I had heard about Stars via a DM on social media from one of my favorite people, @ALX_online, who works at 7Veils. I fired off a text to my dear friend Violet Doll, who had received the same DM. We immediately were super excited about the platform and everything it offers. It was very early in the beta phase of the platform, as AVN had not announced it publicly at this point, but it has been a pleasure being a part of it from the start.

I have to say that I love how quick support was in those first weeks to respond and how receptive AVN was to hear ideas. I find myself inspired by how the company not only hears the opinions of the platform’s artists but also actually has implemented changes to make sure that they are creating a site for the artists. I could fill pages with kind words about my experiences thus far with the company and the platform, but I will cut it here with a strong recommendation for both the fans and artists to swing on by to check it out.

Do you mostly interact with your fans through content-sharing platforms such as AVN Stars?

I certainly am utilizing the AVN Stars platform more and more these days. I am fortunate to be able to slow down on work and enjoy the warm weather that the summer brings here. So I am not as active on any platform at the moment as I typically am; however, I much prefer to interact here for day-to-day engagement.

I also use the clip site Clips4Sale.com to sell my videos, as it is my preferred clip store for a variety of reasons. Much like AVN, it is an established company with a proven, reliable history. It is also known to be a fetish-based site, which is the content I create and the life I live. With a niche audience, it is incredibly important to be able to be found in a mainstream industry, so I adore using both.

When it comes to other social media for engagement, I do use Twitter. However, with censorship running rampant, I’m hoping to transition fully to AVN Stars as social media (paid and otherwise) as I fully believe it is the future for those in the adult industry. If anyone would like to check out why, they can feel free to use my referral link by typing in BretonMacQueen.com.

Have you attended the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo?

I actually attended in 2019. I love the overall tone of the Expo. You can see just how happy everyone is to be there and it is one of the few larger mainstream expos that has a decent representation of the BDSM community, which we know I love. As well, the indie fetish clip market is seeing growth at an unprecedented rate, so it is great seeing AVN jump on board so quickly to represent that. I plan on attending this year as well and have been trying to come up with some ideas on how to further increase the visibility of BDSM and its diverse communities this year as well.

You've showed your second-favorite tattoo on AVN Stars—can you describe its significance to you? And what is your first favorite?

My second favorite tattoo is the top half of a nude woman in the ocean. Growing up surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean is a big part of who I am. I, like many others from the East Coast of Canada, had moved further west after high school. No matter what beauty I would find anywhere else, the ocean always called me back. The tattoo was originally designed with shells covering the breasts to make it more PG, but I strongly feel that a bare chest is as much a woman's right as it is a male’s. And that an individual should feel proud to show off their bare breasts regardless of shape, size, lift, alterations or any other variety. So I do. I guess that it is a tattoo of activism for me.

My favorite would be the series that represents my family. It’s special to me outside of the obvious as I chose to include my ex, my children's father, in it. He may be my best friend, but when two people’s greatest passion in life is being a parent, there is bound to be trying moments. So it serves as a good reminder of the values most important to me.

What advice would you give a new domme trying to establish herself?

Be safe! Play safe! Submission is a beautiful gift that needs to be understood, protected and valued. Be deserving of what you expect from your submissives. Earn and deserve the trust given to you by them. Earn and deserve the respect you require to be given.

Be empathetic. Realize that in order to be at a healthy place to play with your submissives, to give them the control that they desire, you need to be able to control yourself.

When it comes to your image, be yourself. Be creative. You will never ever find someone else who will be a better version of yourself. This is what the submissive customers and lifestylers crave. A genuine person. You’ll be much happier and find business much more financially successful if you do so. Stay true to yourself, stay true to your values.

Also, extremely important to remember. Respect that the BDSM community is built on the basis of a safe space for deviants. This means that while you may not agree with, or even strongly disagree with others’ kinks, you stay respectful of them. Recognize that while these kinks deviate from your own values, this is what a deviant kink is by definition—and that is what the BDSM community is built on. It is important to remember that as professionals we are providing a safe place as adults where if it is not breaking the law and is a safe, sane and consensual act between adults, it is our job to provide a safe place to do so.

Remember limits. Enforce them. Have those hard conversations about them. Trust your gut. Communicate always. View someone who says they have no limits as a red flag.

When it comes to establishing yourself, remember it takes time and most importantly work. Show respect to those who have come before you. Also, remember that if you are following another pro domme online on their work account, what you are seeing is more often than not advertising services they offer or role-play. Don’t rush to jump in and ruin the scene and don’t assume that this is an accurate depiction of who they are offline, either. Support each other. Do your best to choose to celebrate, elevate and educate instead of dictate and hate (for free and non-consensual).

But truly, stay true to yourself. If you are in this only for the money, your career will be short-lived as you will burn out quickly emotionally and physically. You will also not make as much money as you could be elsewhere because if you are doing it right, you’ll come to learn that many of your best subs are like mine. Where my biggest “dummies” are some of the most brilliant and empathetic individuals who will see right through that act.

Who are your heroes? Who inspires you?

If we are talking “vanilla” heroes and inspiration, my parents are my heroes. My children inspire and drive me to try and make the world a place I want them to live in.

If we are talking adult industry, there are so many. I hate to sound so clichéd as to say my friends, but I make a point to surround myself with inspiring individuals. So I would have to start with Violet Doll, who has paved the way for an alternative approach to BDSM in regards to clips. TechDomme (Harley), Jenna Sativa, LanceHartFetish and his stunning wife Goth Charlotte, EbonyDesire305 (on Twitter), blonde_kitty_x (Twitter), KorinaKova, MistressKarina, LindseyLove and her husband MikeLove, who create stunning content, Lauren Phillips, Dominant Jade and Michael Maxxe, Mistress Kawaii and August Wolfe. Fluffymk_ and TobySprings. There are so many.

I recently had the opportunity to teach a class at Fetish Con in Florida, where I met a number of people that I personally found to be completely inspiring that I absolutely need to mention. ItsMacyCartel and ItsJohnnyCartel. Now, that delicious couple is a team to watch out for. And  DaceyHarlotXXX, who is a performer, and her partner, JosephManorXXX, who is a beginner industry photographer—trust me, both are destined for greatness. And last but not least, I was absolutely blown away by the creative photography of Douglas P. Cooper. 

What do you like most about what you do for a living?

The people. Hands down. Whether it be my peers, my submissives, company owners, other photographers, or just any creative minds that I come across. I love seeing such a diverse group of people come together in unity with the message of “We are sexual beings and not only is it okay, it’s fucking beautiful.”

What else would you like your followers to know about you?

That I am a proud sexual being and not only is it okay, it is fucking beautiful.

Find Breton MacQueen on AVN Stars.