Asian Porn Performer 'Comes Out' as UC Berkeley Law Student

LOS ANGELES—In its headline today, turns the world on its head when it frames the brief post, Porn Star Jeremy Long Comes Out As UC Berkeley Law Student." Normally, it's the other way around—the law student gets outed for making porn—but not with today's youth! Long, a well-hung newbie with about 18 scenes under his dick for, sees the world through a refreshing porn-accepting lens.

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When asked during a recent interview with if his classmates know about the porn, Long, now in his second year at the respected law school, replied, "Well I’m a very open person so I’ve never made an attempt to hide it (which nowadays would be futile anyways given that so many people watch porn). But Boalt Hall [what UC Berkeley’s Law School is called] is a uniquely awesome place with amazing people. It’s what really sets us apart from other schools. All of my friends there have been extremely supportive. There is a large Asian student body, and a general culture of openness and progression, so most people at my school think what I’m doing is great."

Driving that point home, his school paper, The Daily Californian, today posted an interview with Long with the decidedly non-judgmental headline, "UC Berkeley law student, porn star talks balancing school and work."

He also got some exposure on the local CBS affiliate in San Francisco, which asked him whether his parents know about his extracurricuar activities. To that one he said no, adding that he does not expect them to find out.

“Luckily they’re outside any circles of exposure that would lead to that," he said.

We'll see about that one. In the meantime, Long, who took his first name from NBA sensation Jeremy Lin, says he remains proud to be a role model.

“I’m very passionate about representing Asian males in media," he told CBS reporter Joe Varquez. "I think adult film is one of the most important areas for us to work on."

Spoken like a true millennial!

Image: Jeremy Long (Rachel Garner, The Daily Californian)