'All Male, All Nude: Johnsons' Exposes Strip Club Life

All Male, All Nude: Johnsons, a new documentary released by Breaking Glass Pictures, goes behind the scenes at a male strip club in Wilton Manors, Florida, a town known as “America’s second gayest city (to San Francisco) per capita.”

The intriguing, revealing and fun film is the sequel to the 2017 “dickumentary” All Male, All Nude, directed by Gerald McCullouch (Daddy, Bear City). The doc follows the lives of the club’s dancers, including 26-year-old Alexander, who dresses as Spider-Man for kid’s parties by day and shakes his money maker for grown men at night. The dancers in the club cover a wide range: men putting themselves through college, married straight men with children, single fathers, and performers in adult films.

The club’s owner—hunky Matt Colunga, an award-winning bodybuilder—treats everyone who works at the club like family, and sadly says that his family disowned him at age 21, when he told them he was gay. “It was the hardest part of my life,” he says. But he turned it into a positive: “I’m a boss who takes care of his dancers. There needs to be more bosses like me.”

“I was looking for the right name for the club,” he recalls. “Johnsons said it all. We have small boys, medium boys and big boys.”

“There is always someone with a bigger dick,” notes one of the cute dancers.

Customers range from weekly regulars to high-roller daddys, and “frictional” lap dances in the VIP room cost $20 dollars apiece. The lap booths have optional curtains for anyone who likes a little privacy in the champagne room.

And the film has a happy ending, with Colunga announcing that his father finally “came around.” It was his stepmother’s problem, and his father loves Colunga’s husband, who runs the club with him.

Check out the the sexy boys on DVD and VOD for $1.99 at AllMaleAllNude.com.