A Different Light Bookstores To Carry AresMen’s First Video

Gay adult video newcomer AresMen announced that their new video, CockTales v.1: The Intruders will be carried by A Different Light Bookstore’s West Hollywood, California location and their online site, ADLBooks.com.

“We couldn’t be more pleased,” said Nick Sparks, president and executive producer at AresMen. “It’s great to know that our product is hitting the right spot with so many great members of the community and A Different Light Bookstore is a great drive in the right direction for the company and for gay consumers.”

CockTales v.1: The Intruders, is slated to officially hit shelves in October, but is already on sale through the AresMen Website, www.aresmen.com.

“It’s about time the industry got some fresh content,” said Christopher Garner, manager of ADLBooks.com. “We’re excited to carry AresMen and even more excited to be carrying their first video. We believe it will be very popular with our customers and look forward to carrying on a long and fruitful relationship with AresMen.”

AresMen is a division of Ares Entertainment, Inc., and is based out of Seattle.

A Different Light Bookstore was founded in 1979 and is a gay owned and operated bookstore with locations in San Francisco and West Hollywood.