Yale Building Used as Set For Amateur Nude Photo Shoot

Some students at Yale with an exhibitionistic streak took nude photos of themselves in various compromising positions inside a campus building – then posted the photos along the walls of that same building.

According to the Yale Daily News, the campus newspaper, one woman and a least one man, though possibly more, snuck into William L. Harkness Hall were involved. There is only one photo of the woman, shot from the waist down. The man or men in the picture are not identifiable

The photos were discovered by the janitorial staff, which became agitated when they saw photo of one man jerking off into a water faucet that the janitor had just drank from.  


The man or men in the pictures also placed their penises on some of the building's doorknobs and telephones and used them to press the buttons on the elevator.

It is not clear if Yale students are depicted in the photos. The case is still under investigation, but a backpack inside the same building one the same day that had one of the photos inside. The student who owned the backpack had it returned to him.

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