Rick Muenyong says one of the critical reasons why he sold YNOT Networks to SexTracker's parent company Flying Crocodile was a desire to move away from the adult entertainment industry and more toward mainstream Internet pursuits.

Speaking after an ia2000 press conference announcing the YNOT/Sex Tracker deal, Muenyong tells AVN On The Net he's working now on creating two entities aimed at mainstream Web surfers and solidifying his personal credibility.

One project, Official.com, will bring together reviews and ratings for mainstream films, books, video games, "and anything else that's reviewable where there can exist ratings on the Internet," Muenyong says. "And so we're trying to aggregate all these ratings in one place, where people can go if they're going to watch a movie, they can find out what the users are saying about that particular movie."

The second, Ranks.com, is aimed at putting together as many top Web sites for a simple user. "They can come to one place and find out where all the best Web sites are located," he says. "All the URLs you see on TV and the magazines, people see it but they don't know where to go, don't know how to find them."

Neither project, he says, will involve adult businesses.

"I don't want to be biased at all in ranking adult Web sites," he says. "I viewed my life in the adult business as a temporary thing. I really did not see a future for me in the adult business. Only because it's not how I was growing up, it's not in my nature - but it's exciting and it's fun. But you don't get the credibility that you need to go to the next level by staying in the adult business."

Selling YNOT gives him the space he needs to pursue those two projects. Muenyong plans to stay in Diamond Bar, California, outside Anaheim, to develop Official.com and Ranks.com.