At least, this time, it wasn't the President who was caught with his pants down, apparently. But while President Clinton and his family and guests boogied in the New Year, some of the party guests reportedly rang in the New Year with a bang in a room off the Rose Garden.

Cybergossip Matt Drudge cites "a disillusioned Secret Service agent" as saying that, while media and political celebrities danced the night away at the White House, following the Y2K celebration at the Lincoln Memorial, he inadvertently interrupted sex acts taking place in a bathroom adjacent to the Rose Garden.

"I know it was New Year's Eve," the agent (who requested anonymity) told Drudge, "and I know that everyone was celebrating and drinking, but I was completely shocked. Three people were together having sex when I walked in on them."

The agent told Drudge he even recognized one of the participants, but "I was embarrassed and did not know what to do under the circumstances." He told Drudge he filed no report, fearing for his job.

"I am very hurt to see this type of behavior going on in the White House and to see invited guests carrying on this way," the agent told Drudge.

The White House's Y2K guest list included some very luminous names, including Washington Post veteran E.J. Dionne, CBS Television president Leslie Moonves, Jack Nicholson, Will Smith, Elizabeth Taylor, and hundreds of others.

Drudge, of course, first shot to fame when, in 1997-98, his Web site broke the story that Newsweek was hesitating to publish a confirmable story about President Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky.