Wright and Tucker: Playa Solutions Clients Unlikely to Be Affected

While Playa Solutions/Playa DRM co-founders Jason Tucker and Oystein Wright battle it out on other fronts, both men insist they have hopes that Playa’s clients will not be affected in any way.

“It is my intention to not have any customers affected through this dispute. I believe Oystein has the same intention, as it has always been our policy that no matter what goes on between us, our clients should never be affected,” Tucker tells AVNOnline.com. “This has been an understanding that he and I have had since the day we started doing business together. It is the reason why no one has ever been put out by us because we’ll go out of our way to make sure our clients won’t be affected.”

Wright, meanwhile, was slightly less certain.

“As far as we know right now [everything is as usual], but if any outside interference happens that we don’t have control over, then things can change, but we haven’t changed anything here,” he tells AVNOnline.com.“At this point in time the system is fully operational. It’s business as usual, really.”

On May 5, Wright filed a lawsuit on behalf of Playa Solutions against Tucker, his wife, Gail Harris, and another of Tucker’s companies, Falcon Foto, alleging that Tucker diverted more than $75,000 from Playa to himself and the other defendants.

News of the suit was first circulated yesterday, and Tucker, who has been frozen out of the company he co-founded, has since made various efforts to get Playa clients to contact him.

With the level of uncertainty about Playa in the adult community over the past 24 hours, some have raised concerns over its connection to Wright’s other company, Mansion Productions.

Playa is a side project and there is no link between that and Mansion, Wright says.