Witrock Craps Out; Legend Flushes Brown Showers Idea

than-spectacular support and feedback about his mail order-driven brown showers tape which was talked about on this site last Friday, Bill Witrock has decided to throw in the Charmin. "The world I don't think is ready for it," Witrock commented sadly Monday afternoon. "I've gotten a lot of feedback, and apparently a lot of people seem to think it's not quite ready. A lot of people are interested in it, though, but distributors and other folk are not happy. For now, we're just going to have to wait. It's been put on hold. I'm sorry about that. I was into it. I would have done it." Witrock's Real Sex Magazine is distributed by Legend and Witrock advertises a golden showers series on realsexmagazine.com but stressed that those tapes are only available via mail order as would be the brown showers series had it been available.

Legend's Jack Richmond was a little more blunt with his evaluations. "Legend has no intentions of ever distributing a tape like that," Richmond said. "I don't want distributors to think that because he works here. You can quote me on this, Witrock is totally demented and is doing this on his own. I don't even like the fact that he's putting this stuff out there. It's associated with my company, and we're pretty strict about the pissing shit here." Richmond said he vetoed an attempt to distribute the golden showers tapes via the normal distribution route.