Who's Townshend <I>Can</I> Explain

Guitar legend Pete Townshend was arrested for possession of child pornography today and, saying he was "stupid" to research that form of child abuse - which he claims to have endured himself - feels comfortable giving up his musical career to fight it.rnrn

"I have never purchased any forms of child pornography or wished to own any," Townshend said. "I saw the first awful photo by accident. It repelled me and shocked me to my very core."rnrn

The composer of Tommy, about a child who was also a victim of sexual abuse, said he had only looked at child pornography three or four times, entering one site with a credit card.rnrn

Townshend was on a list of internet offenders compiled by US authorities, who shared his name with Scotland Yard. Police escorted Townshend out of his home today, taking with them computer equipment.rnrn

"I want to live my life, enjoy my family and continue with my work," Townshend told London tabloid The Sun, "but if all I can do from now on is fight the sexual abuse of children, and to help those who become victims, well that wouldn't be too bad a way of living the rest of my life."rnrn

Townshend supported the conviction on child porn charges of "Rock And Roll" composer Gary Glitter. "I am not a pedophile," Townshend said.rnrn

For a related story, click here:rnhttp://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2003020329,00.html