Who Wants to Divorce a Multimillionaire?

Darva Conger

LAS VEGAS - She isn't yet and likely won't be a feature attraction at Club Love, but as of April 5, ill-fated television bride Darva Conger is no longer a married woman. The 34-year-old emergency room nurse was granted an annulment of her marriage to comic Rick Rockwell by a judge here.

Conger and Rockwell married on the Fox Television special, Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire? in February. The stunt turned from a television hit to a scandal after reports of Rockwell's allegedly violent past surfaced, and the stunt also cost Conger her job in a Los Angeles hospital. According to published reports, Conger continues to look for work.

But it also earned her an offer of $1 million from Internet Entertainment Group chief Seth Warshavsky to appear in the nude at IEG's Club Love website. Warshavsky even placed an ad in the Los Angeles Daily News extending the invitation, after other major newspapers rejected the ad.

Conger, however, has yet to answer the ad, assuming she has even seen it.

"I never should have been there to begin with," Conger told reporters after the annulment was granted. "I never should have been there. I didn't want to be."

Conger filed papers in early March saying the marriage was never consummated, and "neither the contestants nor the show's producers seriously contemplated creating a proper marriage."

When allegations that Rockwell had slapped and threatened his former fiancee hit the Internet just before a planned repeat of the Multimillionaire nuptial, Fox canceled the re-broadcast and yanked plans for future Multimillionaire specials. Rockwell, who has denied the allegations repeatedly since the scandal broke, has since tried to make his way as a stand-up comedian, after having made his fortune in real estate.