Webmaster Central Streaming High-Def Content

The broadband content of Webmaster Central has gotten broader with the company’s introduction of high-definition streaming video content.

While the content is not true high-def such as that available through HDTV, it does offer Web surfers huge screen sizes with crisp pictures and greatly improved quality.

“These feeds are not true HD due to the technology restrictions of streaming video, but they are encoded from true HD-DVDs and they are built to stream at the biggest sizes and best quality available to any webmaster online,” said Andy Alvarez, president of Webmaster Central. “These movies look absolutely amazing for the Internet.”

The new Webmaster Central HD feed streams movies at 256k, 512k, and 768k.

“I can honestly say with no hesitation that this is the best feed offered by any Adult content company on the Web. We’ve taken the highest quality video available and created the highest quality streams available; it simply doesn’t get better than this,” said Gabriel Kapp, head programmer for Webmaster Central.

Webmaster Central offers more than 50 unique video feeds to webmasters.