War Tops Sex, Britney, Dixie Chicks On Web Searches

Some guys will do anything to keep you from searching "sex"on the Web. The Bush Administration is often enough accused of wanting to take the sex out of the Internet. They'll love this news from Britain's top Internet service provider - "war"has toppled "sex"as the number one British cybersearch term for now. It's even knocked singer Britney Spears out of the top ranks.

"War was our top search term today, taking over from perennial favourites -- sex, Britney and travel,"said Freeserve spokeswoman Nadia Schofield to Reuters March 20.

The U.S.-Iraq war has done some conquering of its own on the U.S. Internet, particularly around Yahoo's Buzz Index, Reuters noted. In an intriguing irony, country music supergroup the Dixie Chicks - whose lead singer got herself into a little controversy when she criticized President Bush during a recent European concert - got knocked out of the top Buzz Index slot by "Iraq,"with the Chicks falling to a mere number three.