Wallice HIV Papers Await Verification

It may take awhile for positive verification, but if the HIV test results produced by Dr. Mark Henrickson of the Northeast Valley Health Corporation [NEVHC] check out, Marc Wallice could be exonerated from various charges leveled against him. Henrickson came to VCA Friday morning with the papers. VCA's Russ Hampshire had them notarized.

Wallice, the center of the controversial Brooke Ashley civil lawsuit that has been filed against a number of individuals in the adult industry, including Wallice, has been accused of forging HIV test papers, changing dates and doctoring test results. All of this, allegedly to support the notion that Wallice was HIV negative instead of positive. Wallice has always said that he didn't know that he was HIV positive until an April, 1998 DNA test revealed the fact that he had a viral count over 100,000. The tests in question of March, 1998 dates. Wallice has said all along that those tests, which show him to be negative, were genuine.

The bone of contention about the March tests was that they, allegedly, bear an address for NEVHC that was invalid for over a year. Dr. Henrickson told AVN legal editor Mark Kernes, who has been following the story, that he'd release the papers with Wallice's okay. Wallice gave the okay.

Wallice was upset when he phoned Gene Ross Friday morning, only moments after Henrickson had left VCA. Wallice was under the impression that Ross had reported that Wallice was under investigation by the D.A.'s office. Wallice was informed by Ross that that information had appeared on Luke Ford's website.

Wallice: "He [Henrickson] went to the corporate office to get the original copies out of the vault and brought them down here [VCA]. They were notarized in front of Russ. It's the same exact test that Mark Kernes said was a fake test." [Kernes has not said that but has supported an active search to get at the truth.]

Wallice: "What is this indictment shit? All this legal stuff I'm hearing all you people talking about, why is no cop, no detective, no D.A., nobody's contacting me about anything. All you guys are just spewing at the mouth."

Ross: "Wait a second. Did you read the interview [on geneross.com]?

Wallice: "Russ just read it to me."

Ross: "Russ must have read you the Luke Ford story. That stuff about the D.A. didn't appear on my site. We gave your full side of the story, totally unedited and exactly what you had to say. There was no mention about the D.A. investigating you."

Wallice: "You said..."

Ross: "I didn't say anything."

Wallice: "It says that Hardcopy's doing a story on me...that the D.A."

Ross: "No...no...no, Mark! Excuse me. That was on Luke Ford's site. Don't say I was reporting that.

Wallice: "I'm not. You got to understand...I don't know why he [Russ] said Gene Ross."

Ross: "geneross.com is referred to in that Luke Ford story, and it gives the impression that I reported it. It's not on my site. I've been trying to give you a fair shake."

Wallice: "I thought so."

Ross: "Let's have that understanding. I've always been of the opinion that you deserve to have your say and your day in court, and I've always been behind that."

Wallice: "I didn't have to do this [obtain the original tests]. It was up to everybody to prove this case, but I went out of my way to do this. I did it. And you know what? It's not going to be good enough. Remember the last thing Kernes said on the interview? Why don't you go down there with me [NEVHC]? I said I will. When I went home I realized, wait I'm on house arrest. I can't go down there. I got to go to court and get permission first. There are specific times when I can't walk out of my house before 10 am. I can't walk in my house after 7 pm. So when I got to work last Thursday I called the clinic and asked for Mark Henrickson. I told him this is my problem. They want to see this test come out of your office to prove that it's the exact, same identical test he [Kernes] has in his hands. He [Henrickson] said could I come down there. I told him I couldn't, could he come here. I told him I'd pay him any kind of money he wanted. He said that was his job, he didn't want money. I said go have a lunch on me for your trouble. He said, no. But because of all the interest in this specific test he told me he had it sent to the corporate office and locked in a vault. 'What I'll do is I'll go to the corporate office [Friday morning], get it, and bring it to you. I'll do only what you tell me to do.' When he [Henrickson] got here, I called in Russ. Russ had some questions. I told him [Henrickson] just answer his [Russ'] questions. Henrickson told Russ that he was head of the HIV decision and that I had asked him to pull the test and bring it down here. He showed Russ his I.D. and left."

Wallice suggested that Kernes come down to VCA and check out the test. [Kernes was on another assignment and couldn't be reached.]

Wallice: "We're getting a lawyer, and I'm going after everybody who has defamed me. This is enough. I've gone out of my way, and I've proven it that I'm not responsible for this, whatever it is. I didn't fake any tests. Luke Ford, Ron Jeremy...get off my fucking back. This will take some toll on the industry. I'm being told, Mark, 'They didn't care about the business. Fuck them. After 17 years, man. I'm going to inform Luke Ford of this and shove that yarmulke up his fucking ass."

VCA head Russ Hampshire had this to say.

Hampshire: "This [the D.A. report] was off Luke Ford's site. I'm going to straighten out Luke, right now. They [Wallice's accusers] say they have a forgery of his test. I have a certified copy here from the actual clinic. The guy came down here himself and in front of my girl certified that this is a true copy. It's the same one as the one they're passing around saying it's a forgery. Kernes told me himself that he has a counterfeit. I have the certified copy from the clinic."

An anxiety-driven Wallice called back several hours later. He wanted someone, anyone from AVN to come to VCA and take a look at the papers. Wallice was told that Kernes should be the one to do that. Wallice was very frustrated that Kernes wasn't available. [Kernes was covering a Nic Cramer shoot.]

Wallice: "Nobody's fucking interested anymore? This is so fucking wrong, man. The issue was to go to the clinic and have them pull the test. [They did.] I mean you think the clinic forged this fucking test for me? He's [Kernes] the fat ass who fucking said, well, Friday we could down to the clinic. He didn't call me to ask me if I was ready and we could go down to the clinic together. Nah. Basically he got his spiel out there without an answer to his request of me proving that this test is legitimate. What the fuck more do they want? The director comes down here, he brought the test from their corporate offices. They had it locked up because of the interest in it. He [Dr. Henrickson] went to the corporate offices, picked it up and came down here. He set it down beside the copy of the test that I made from Kernes' copy. He signed a notary book, showed his I.D. He's head of the HIV testing division. He [Kernes] mislead me. The whole world's reading this shit, and nothing's being put up that I did what I needed to do. I proved myself and nothing's being done with it. Tell that fat fuck Ron Jeremy, too, to get his ass down here. How can Brooke Ashley accuse four people-five people of knowing that I'm HIV positive and hiding it and hiring me anyway? How the fuck can anybody believe that? How can she have that knowledge even if it were true? I don't even know who Kevin Beech is. The first time I met Rob Spallone was on that set. The only person I knew was the director, Cash Markman. That's the only person I knew. I had no relationship that could nearly constitute them to do something like that for me. Why would they put their lives in jeopardy. How could that off-the-wall chick say this? Do her complaints make any sense? But people are printing it like it's true. That's pretty off-the-wall. Everybody's afraid to get behind me. I'm the outcast. I'm just sharing my frustration with you.