Voter Registration Meetings Scheduled Next Week

According to Mike Ross, Los Angeles will be the first spot in the nation where the live adult entertainment industry and the "video stores, bookstores and video entertainers" will meet to participate in political seminars and workshops on Voter Registration.

"Besides voter registration, we'll be discussing all the peripheral issues that are sitting in Congress and we'll be talking about the independent contractor bills in California," Ross said. "This is the first set of seminars that we're holding for owners and entertainers. We want to teach them what is going on politically and also how to write letters and make appointments with legislators. It's open not just to people in the dance field, it's open to everybody.

"To facilitate community needs, not to mention the attendance, we've scheduled meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday November 2 and 3," Ross added. "For ease, we've scheduled them in West LA (near LAX) and in Pasadena. Everyone is encouraged to attend the meeting that is best suited for them."

The November 2 meeting will take place at Wolfgang Pucks Cafe, while the second meeting will take place November 3 at DeLacey's Club 41 in Pasadena. The seminar subjects will include the PAP's AM case, two independent Contractor Bills (HR 1525 and AB 1446), California's Political Climate and the industry's Voter Registration Drive. To RSVP or for more information, please call (916) 456-7311.

Ross says the PAP's AM case, involving public nudity- and how the government can regulate it- and what the public's rights are, comes up November 10 before the U.S. Supreme Court. Attorney John Weston will be handling the case.

"It has to do with the definition of nudity," says Ross. "There is a dual standard of nudity - how the government defines it; how Webster's dictionary defines it. The case affects all the cabarets, and we believe it affects all the sex clubs, and we believe it will affect the bookstores," says Ross who will report on the scene from Washington D.C.