Vivid And Sexy Snowboards


LAS VEGAS - The Vivid Girls are heading to the mountains all across the world with the creation of the Fader snowboard series which features portraits of Vivid Video girls on the boards. rnrn

Chasey Lain, Briana Banks, Kobe Tai, Taylor Hayes, and Kody will grace the boards created by industry leader Sims Snowboards. In addition, there will also be two special edition boards that will feature nude pictures of Cassidey and Briana. rnrn

"Snowboarding was one that we had yet to do a real committed partnership with. It was the perfect fit to a deal with a big and very visible snowboard company. It fits both the adult world and the mainstream world," David Schlesinger, Vivid VP of Internet Marketing, told rnrn

Sims Snowboards will be unveiling the boards next week at the SnowSports Industries America show in Las Vegas, where the Vivid Girls will join them at their booth on January 29th to promote the boards, which at Vivid's request will have a low manufacturing run.rnrn

"The deal we have with Sims is to keep these products in high demand and make them a unique product, not just throw them out there and have the whole mountain covered with Vivid boards. Not that we don't like that, but it makes it more interesting to have them a little harder to get your hands on than a normal snowboard," said Schlesinger.