VCA Buys Ben Dover Series

Though the deal had been in the works for quite some time, Howie Klein of HK Video confirmed that VCA has taken over the Ben Dover gonzo series. Up till now, VCA had been the distributor of the series. The deal covers all 38 of the present Ben Dover titles and those coming out in the future.

"VCA is going to take it and go forward with the line," Klein said. "They'll probably do six a year, maybe more."

According to Klein, VCA, in addition to video, also takes over Klein's portion of the Western Hemisphere rights, beginning in April. Klein said he made the deal because "it was a good deal for everybody all around. Russ [Hampshire] is getting a good gonzo line. It's probably one of the top three out there." Klein said another reason for the deal is that he's also very busy with a new business venture, ADI (Adult Dial-In), which is an alternative billing system; and his company PDI (Private Dial International). "This frees me up to devote more time to that," Klein said.

Klein first brought Steve Perry, a.k.a. Ben Dover, to the American public in 1994.