Utah State Shows Its Nudes

Someone at Utah State University in Logan is very unhappy right about now. That would be the someone who doesn't think the public should be looking at a bunch of nude paintings. \n Twice recently, that someone struck in the middle of the night, removing six paintings of nude women from a wall on a second-floor hallway and putting them face down on the floor. No damage was done to the artwork. \n After the first time, the paintings, all of it student artwork, were simply replaced. After the second time, the nude paintings were placed in a locked display cabinet on the first floor of the Fine Arts-Visual Building. The new location is far more prominent and exposes the nudes to much more pedestrian traffic. \n "Now, they are more open to public scrutiny," Craig Law, head of the art department, told a local reporter. He said he feels certain that the removal of the paintings from the wall was someone's attempt at censorship. \n He said he occasionally gets complaints about student paintings put on display, typically in the form of notes or visits. "We try and be sensitive to the community but we also try and teach the community," he said. \n The paintings were created by students studying nude painting under Greg Schulte, an assistant professor at Utah State. \n Police say they have no leads and no suspects. They are, however, keeping a close watch on the building, which is open all but a few hours each day.