Tyson and the Stripper

A Las Vegas stripper is claiming Mike Tyson accomplished something with her that he couldn't accomplish in the ring in recent years - a clean TKO. According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, Victoria Bianco, 24, a dancer at Cheetah's in Las Vegas, filed a police report this week claiming that Tyson hauled off and walloped her at Cheetah's. However, Bianco's allegations are being disputed not only by Tyson, but her employers as well.

Bianco, 24, told police she was working in Cheetah's Monday afternoon when Tyson, who was with some companions, allegedly reached out and punched her with an open hand in the chest. Bianco claims the blow sent her sprawling. Bianco also claims that Tyson called her a few derogatory names. According to newspaper reports, eight Las Vegas police patrol cars arrived at the club's parking lot when Bianco's husband reported his wife had been attacked by Tyson.

On Monday, the Las Vegas police first said the report had been unfounded but changed their tune on Tuesday when they said the investigation was being re-opened. According to reports, Cheetah's manager, Lonny Roybal claims that Bianco approached Tyson to offer a lap dance but he refused. "Don't come near me," Roybal quotes Tyson as saying. Roybal says that Tyson wasn't very flattering about the situation but didn't hit her.

The story now is a close friend of Bianco's is telling reporters that Bianco was given $700 in hush money to put a lid on the incident. Tyson's attornies are denying the incident.