
Pleasure Production's Frank Kay informed us that his new contract girl, Tyler, had just completed her first feature for Nic Cramer, a five-day shoot. Pardoning the pun, but we had the pleasure of meeting this lovely blond bombshell, a former lingerie model, at the CES show last month. Tyler, along with Helen Duval, Sunset Thomas, Chenin Blanc and Jessica Drake represented Pleasure at the CES booth.

At CES, Kay and Andy Green outlined some upcoming Pleasure projects. Drake appears in two new Nic Cramer pics, Carniverous and Epiphany. Helen Duval has two new features, Night Life in Prague and Cumspiracy. Thomas appears in a Nic Cramer video trilogy entitled, Wild Honey. Tyler signed autographs on behalf of Ed Powers Takes Philadelphia and a couple of softcore New Vision features that she appears in called Tropical Heat 1 & 2.

According to Kay, Tyler will be on the boxcover of the next two Nic Cramer projects, and, once Tyler gets her feet wet, she'll be promoted actively via bookstore signings on the east coast, first, then the west coast. "Everybody's loving her," says Kay. "She's getting a great response." Kaye said Green discovered her. "I saw her at some lingeries shows," according to Green. "I happened to ask her if she'd be interested in doing some T&A movies. That led into the girl-girl which will lead into bigger and better things." Kay says Tyler also has her sights set on being a headline dancer.

Another Pleasure girl, Lee Anderson, a Canadian girl who appears in a couple of Jim Gunn projects, never made it to CES. "She couldn't leave the country," said Green. "She's actually banned from the United States," Kaye said. "That would have been the fourth contract girl but that was negated." [Tyler, Duval and Sunset Thomas are the other three.] Tyler had this to say.

G. Ross: "I understand you started off in life as a lingerie model What was that all about?"

Tyler: "I used to do conventions and trade shows like this one, modeling for a company in Boston, like dancer clothes, sexy-stuff."

G. Ross: "Did you catch a lot of colds?"

Tyler: "I never did it in cold places, it was always warms places. That's the key. If you're going to model something like that, you have to manage to be in warm climates....I was doing that for about three years. It was fun, but I reached a point where I wanted to do something different and this is definitely it. I started doing beauty pageants when I was 10. I was always in that type of field. I'm not like 6'3 and a 100 pounds so I can't be a runway model. I have a body and I have a shape so I have to do something that shows it off....I always had it in the back of my mind about doing T&A. You watch it on pay-per-view and it looked like fun. When Andy approached me it started me thinking. I thought let me try it."

G. Ross: "Then you started girl-girl? Now, are you into the hardcore?"

Tyler: "I will be. I'm just taking everything at a slow pace...slowly but surely. I don't want to rush into everything right away. I'm very excited to be working with Nic Cramer. I've only heard very good things about him."

G. Ross: "What's your impression of all this?"

Tyler: "It's a little overwhelming. But where else can you interact with people who really like you and want to know more about you. This is a lot of fun."

G. Ross: "You're from Boston?"

Tyler: "Yes."

G. Ross: "Now you run the risk of being banned there. How do your friends feel about this?"

Tyler: "Most of my friends are dancers. Four of my best friends are. Another one is an accountant. One owns a hair salon. I'm the only one that really went out on a limb. But they're very supportive and totally non-judgmental...I'll remain of the east coast. That's my home. I'll never leave...I love California, but it's a totally different world there."