True Net Color and Other Web Wonders

"True Internet color is a technology that enables Websites to deliver images accurately over the Web," says Ryan Smith, Web imaging evangelist, as he describes himself, of e-Color. "So, e-retailing sites that want to display accurate images to consumers at home [should] use True Internet Color."

Taking a break from crowds visiting his Spring Internet World booth April 5, Smith said the technology takes the user through a one-time, four-screen setup process, after which a website with the technology shows the user almost precisely the right look of the item in question, from fashion to adult entertainment products.

He also said True Internet Color is working toward a way to line up with streaming video and other interactive formats; for now, it supports .GIF and .JPEG still images.

Smith said a key obstacle is determining how to make spontaneous correction with streaming video. "Probably late this year, maybe two years," he said. "The main thing we help websites do is increase conversion rates. Right now, websites are converting, what, less than two percent; one reason [consumers aren't] buying is they're not certain if what they're seeing is correct."

e-Color demonstrated the technology by way of a showing of the mainstream feature The Matrix to enthusiastic reception.