TotemCash Courts Webmasters with Full Disclosures

Conversion Ratios. Churn Rates. Hold Times. These bread-and-butter stats loom large in every webmaster’s mind. Generating traffic is work, and finding the perfect destination for that traffic is an exacting process.

To take some of the uncertainty out of that process, TotemCash today announced a new policy that discloses detailed reporting on conversion ratios to affiliates and visitors alike.

The new data joins the detailed member retention stats featured in the site’s “Figures” section. The member retention numbers go back as far as 18 months. Conversion ratio statistics are broken into three-day, seven-day, and 30-day increments and offer webmasters a window into the performance totals TotemCash affiliates see on a daily basis. Rates are calculated by dividing the number of unique visitors by the number of signups.

“This is an exciting day for us at,” says TotemCash chief executive officer Richard “Rex” Excoffier. “We’ve always been proud of our webmaster stats. Say it loud; say it proud, that’s our motto. Unfortunately, our industry is notorious for ‘rounding up’ published reports to increase affiliate interest. We’re hoping this new practice at TotemCash inspires others.”

In the coming weeks, TotemCash will release SexySaver, a PG-rated version of the popular StripSaver2 guest tour. The tamer tour will give webmasters the ability to expand their marketing reach to promote the iconic program to more mainstream cross-sections of the surfing public.