Tom Zupko: "Montana Gunn's A Cancer!"

From the no good deed goes unpunished file comes this dispatch.

Comments made yesterday by Montana Gunn's boyfriend about Apocalypse Production's Tom Zupko, particularly about Zupko being a "stalker," had Zupko fit to be tied. When Gunn left the company earlier this year under mysterious sets of circumstances, particularly after her much heralded feature, Anal Ball, the question remained why. Zupko at that time said he had no comments to make, but the hints were that there was a much bigger picture. The bigger picture is now becoming clearer with the tale of an abortion, an alleged bounced check and David Aaron Clark's missing pink slip for a Pontiac Firebird being just the tip of the emotional iceberg. Zupko was in a fire away mood this morning when we talked to him and he suggested that Gunn's boyfriend "keep his nose out of places it doesn't belong."

Zupko: "I was never going to say anything about this, but if she wants to be like that, I'll let it all out. She talks about a bounced check? I'm going to file a lawsuit against her. We did two scenes for her here in Las Vegas which we shot for Gentlemen's Club Video. This was like early '98. Brian Surewood performed in it and my roommate Jay was the cameraman. She said do these two scenes for me, then I'll do a scene for you. That was the deal. We kind of did an early version of the ice cube scene [in Anal Ball].

"We worked out a deal, she agreed to it in front of witnesses then shot our scene in LA which was the one in Anal Ball. Everything was fine. Then her and I got involved. Bear in mind, Montana was a problem from the beginning. We had meetings with different magazines, we had things where she was supposed to be somewhere. She never showed up. I made the mistake of getting involved with her. I gave up on her when I had enough. I went back to Las Vegas. She followed me back to Vegas and begged me to give her another chance. Things went from there. She had an abortion which was my kid. I had to pay for it. There was a series of bullshit things that she pulled on me.

"I reached a point where she was fucking my personal life and fucking me, professionally. We went back and forth where I left nasty messages on her answering machine which was the heat of my frustration.

"When I was with her, just out of my own in appreciation of this scene, I gave her $900 cash. I didn't owe her anything. But if her and her dick wad boyfriend are going to say fucking shit, we'll sue her and Gentlemen's Club Video for what we did for her. She got paid for it, we never saw a dime. Now because of what happened between her and me, she's saying I gave her a check that bounced? They kept calling up and saying we're going to accuse you of harassment. We're going to accuse you of this and that. When I was with John Stagliano, I said what should I do. John said you shouldn't pay her. She wanted $1800. I thought I'll cut her the additional check. After I cut her the additional check I had a problem with editing on Pussy Crimes, my funds were a little low, so I put a stop on it. After I did that, I said fuck it. I heard she was going to the cops and the D.A. I said if she wants to play like that, okay let the truth come out.

"I knew this was going to happen with her talking shit about me being a stalker and bouncing checks. I knew she couldn't keep her mouth shut. I was just going to let it lie. I have fucking letters from her and messages from her. But if she wants to go this way, it's total bullshit.

"I want nothing to do with her. And who is this guy to open his mouth about facts that he doesn't even know? He doesn't know the situation. Montana does this with every fucking producer she's with. It was with [Danny] Carelli before. It's the same shit she pulls. You get tired of it.

"As far as David Clark, David Clark is a friend of mine. I drove that car out with her. David Clark gave her the cash, and she didn't him the car for like two or three weeks. Brian Surewood and I finally had to go over to her place and get the car. For weeks I kept telling her get the man the title. Then after David had the car the engine blew up and it cost him $1200. She said it's not my fault and she wouldn't give him the title.

"They're [Gunn and her boyfriend] are both fucking liars. If they want to file a lawsuit, we'll file one back and gladly. I wish Montana the best of luck. I hope she succeeds and gets everything she wants in life, professionally and personally. I don't want to get in a pissing contest with her in the press because she'll be destroyed. There's so much stuff I have on her and I don't want to do it. I want everyone to live their lives. But, obviously, she still has this vendetta and she's going to bring that check up? Well fine, we'll sue her for $6,000 for everything we did for those two scenes that she got paid for and we didn't see a dime. She's a money hungry little user.

"She's spiteful and can't let anything go. Her ex husband told me that. She wants to keep it going? Fine. All I want to do is live and fail on my movies. I know she's going to try and make my life miserable. I just want her gone. Montana Gunn is a cancer. The biggest mistake I ever made in my life was getting involved with her professionally and personally." Zupko says he's currently in editing with Bailey Montaigne's Pool Party. "The original editor did a terrible job so we're totally re-editing it," he says. "It's coming out pretty good and we did a real scorching anal with Bailey."

Zupko's partner, Brian Surewood, felt obligated to add a couple of comments of his own.

Surewood [laughing]: "I heard all the commotion going on. Let me start from the beginning. With regards to Montana? Here's the deal. Montana was out in Vegas with us and we made a deal with her. Actually she made the deal with us. If we shot two scenes for her with Gentlemen's Video, then she'd shoot a scene with us. That first scene [the Gentlemen's Video scene] was hers. Jay, my partner shot it; Tom directed it and I acted in it. Deanna took all the stills for it. I did all the lighting along with Jay. We gave her all the footage in exchange for her doing a scene with us. We had four or five people working on that scene for free in order for her to get the footage for free.

"Fair was fair. We shot for her, she did a scene for us. The scene came out good. We loved it. We gave her an extra $800 on top of that, which we never agreed upon. We just did it. Plus we gave her some more money to take care of something else which I'll keep off the record at this moment.

"Now for Montana's new boyfriend to be making comments? He's totally insane. Montana's fucking insane for even demanding money from us. If she's taking it to this step, she's insane. First of all, she made an agreement with us. If we turned around and charged her for all the different things we did for her, it would way outweigh whatever she wanted from us. We have more than compensated Montana for what she's done for us, and she made money from Gentlemen's Video. She made some financial arrangement with them. They released it three weeks after we gave her that scene. She's really trying to fuck us. I like her, but she's come to a complete blank. I know Montana. She's fucked people over. We're not letting her get away with it, bottom line. More than likely we're going to end up taking her to court. She's going to owe us money.

"She's tried to screw us many different ways by calling people and back stabbing us. It's her business. We're not going there. If she's wants to grab Tom by the horse, she's grabbing way fucking too much. If it comes to a verbal assault, Tom's the wrong guy to challenge.

"Her boyfriend? I don't know about this guy and I could care less. Regards to David Clark, I was the one who set the deal up between her and David for the car. David was MORE than fair with Montana. He gave her the money for the car. He gave her 23 or $2400 dollars cash for the car. Montana promised the car was in perfect condition. David drove not even home and the car's engine was fried. David was sitting on a car that he paid all this money for. He dropped another two grand into it to get it fixed. Montana wouldn't return one phone call. I saw her five or six times during the period that David was trying to get the pink slip from her. He offered her more money for the pink slip. What does it take to get the pink slip? She blew him off every time and never gave him the pink slip. I asked her for David's sake about that slip to David could take care of the registration.

"After four or months, David gave up trying. She split and screwed David real hard. Fuck her. She's the piece of shit in this thing. If she had done what was right, David wouldn't have been put in this position. He could have handled all the tickets on his own. I know this. David is a straight-up and honest guy. He's not out to screw anybody. Montana can care less about anybody except herself.

"Tommy has not said a word. I have no clue where she's coming from. We're a new company. We started up with an honest, straight-up philosophy. We pay people what we owe them. We don't lie and we don't screw people over. Montana pushed us to the point where we have no other choice but to take it up legally, which we don't want to do. If she wants to push those buttons, she'll get that."