Tom Cruise Awarded $10 Million In Defamation Suit

Tom Cruise is not gay. And if you say he is, it's going to cost you. It cost Chad Slater, better known in porn as Kyle Bradford, $10 million. rnrn

Cruise won a $10 million defamation judgment against Slater who allegedly told the French magazine Actustar that he had a gay affair with the actor, Cruise's attorney said. rnrn

Slater, who has made a series of porn films and gay-themed wrestling videos, had said previously he never met Cruise and defaulted on the $100 million lawsuit in August 2001. rnrn

The default motion did not indicate Slater admitted wrongdoing, but was an acknowledgment he did not have the money to fight the lawsuit and would not contest it. rn rn

The $10 million judgment was decided in late December, according to Cruise attorney Ricardo Cestero. rnrn

Cruise plans to donate to charity any money he receives from the judgment, Cestero added.rnrn

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