Thursday Night Video Poker from AdultNetSurprise

Feel like a weekly poker game? AdultNetSurprise has one for you: Thursday night ANS Video Poker, premiering this week.

Participating Webmasters play a 9s or better game and begin with 500 credits, ANS said, playing until they exhaust their credits. "For those of you who lose the shirt off your back during the tournament (you can't really lose the shirt off of your back – we’re just playing for fun!), you’ll be given a second chance with an additional 100 credits," ANS said. "Lose that and shame on you! You’ll just have to wait for next week!

They'll premiere the game during Free Fall, with Kre8t0r and Lee Noga at 9 p.m. EDT/6 p.m. PDT, with live chat at

For more information, visit ANS Video Poker on the Web or contact [email protected].