Thrust in the Limelight

It took him eight months to get his name mentioned on, but in two days, Johnny Thrust has managed to make up for lost time. Thrust got in the middle of a controversy Thursday with Kid Vegas over a story Thrust relayed about Kid Vegas supposedly tossing Bruno's drivers license into the river. Then, within hours, Thrust managed to get screamed at by a she-male who thought he was personally responsible for her losing a case in small claims court. Jim Powers who was involved in the small claims issue, had this to say.

Powers: "I kicked her ass in court. This is the prima donna she-male Brandy Scott, a real tall blond. She sues me. The deal was when I shot her for Heatwave she wanted some ridiculous amount like two or three thousand dollars. I told her, "I'm not going to pay you that. I'll give you a thousand.'

"Because I was paying her less than what she wanted, in lieu of payment, she said, fine, you have to shoot a commercial for me. No problem. I shoot her commercial where she's in front of a computer masturbating; and then we do her scene. Afterwards she goes, 'Oh you have to put that commercial on all the tapes that go out of here.' I go what? You never told me that. As a director I have no say what goes on the front of a tape. At the drop of a dime at 11 at night you can't go, 'oh, yeah, I can do that.' So I gave it to Gabor [Heatwave prexy] to see what he could do. I give the commercial to Lynne Lopatin. She loses it. And the tapes go out without any commercial.

"She [Scott] has her attorney calling me. The thing is, the agreement stated that it just had to be put on the tapes, it never said how many. Gabor made up an ad for her which covered his ass legally, but he put her real name on the ads. All of a sudden, we get a summons to small claims court. I go there representing Legend because I also shot her the same week for Legend. It was the same kind of mishap. It all happened at once. I go there for Legend. Gabor's there for Heatwave. I do all the talking to the judge and everything, explaining how she's a disgruntled she-male. I beat her in court. I won. She is just pissed off.

"Now, this is months later. Johnny Thrust shows up on a set. Gwen Summers is doing some lesbian scene. I guess Brandy Scott moved down here and rents out her house for locations, and they're shooting a lesbian scene at a she-male's house. Johnny went to pick up Gwen. He's holding their baby. All of a sudden this enraged she-male came outside because she saw him sitting out front and yelled, 'Get the fuck out of here!'

"Johnny thought the she-male was kidding. He goes to his car and she continued screaming about how he lied in court. He never did any talking. He was there because he was involved in everything. He was just pointing out little things in the contract. I was doing all the talking. But she saw all this. So she flipped out when she saw him.

"What was odd about this, before we went to court, Gabor offered to put her ad on every single transsexual and gay video he had for free. Then it got to small claims court and she thought we're going to pay her whatever stupid amount she was suing for. The judge basically threw it out because the way she wrote the agreement was so ambiguous, and we actually ran an ad for her. I guess she still hates me."