Thousand Year Itch Scratches at Paladino's

The Thousand Year Itch, formerly The Stingers, celebrated the release of their CD by the same name at Paladino's in Reseda this past Saturday night. Besides a VH 1 crew there to cover it, a number of porn notables showed up including the Extreme Associates crew. Guitarist and leader of the band Mark Miller had this to say.

Miller: "Generally speaking, the place was packed. VH 1 came and shot what they wanted to shoot, and a couple of other media-style people were there. The Extreme guys - Rob Black, Tom Byron, Janine, Lizzy Borden were there. Randy West was there and you can say the lead singer for Counting Crows was there."

G. Ross: "No shit??!"

Miller: "They've had a bunch of hits. I know I've heard their stuff but I couldn't give you the guy's name. A lot of people knew who he was. The guys from Warners and the buyer from Virgin Megastores was there. A lot of people like that. And it went great. The band kicked ass. We gave out CD's. It was a real good night. It was very successful. There was a real good sound in there, and I liked the club. I hope they do well with it because there's no good music clubs anywhere anymore. From what I understand it was a country bar then was a swing bar for awhile. Now they're doing more rock n' roll. The Beetle band, the Fab Four guys are playing there this Friday. They were down there. It's a good club. The stage is good. The sound system is good and it's a good room to play in. They can get a good mix in there that's loud and powerful but doesn't take your head off.