Thoughts on Jason's Virginity

Barret Moore, the morning after the night before, certainly thought that her partner Jason lost his virginity. Bearing in mind, that Jason relieved himself, manually, on her belly to achieve orgasm. Does jerking off constitute a loss of virginity? We asked a panel of experts, bearing in mind that Jason did use a condom, and had sex with Moore in several positions before whacking off.

But, before we get to that, Moore had this to say about ushering in Jason's glorious transition into manhood.

Moore: "I was a little bit nervous about it. I wanted it to be good and be a good experience. I think he had one. I hope he did. It was kind of cool for me. It was the first time I had done that. I'm not a professional devirginizer."

Moore said her situation growing up was just the opposite. She tended to date more experienced guys. Moore was asked to recall her first sexual experience.

Moore: "I was 16 and had a little summer job at a movie theatre. I was working around a lot of people with sexual energy, and I could feel the hormones coming on, and I knew I was getting ready. I went and got on the pill. The guy was 24. Did we do it in the movie theatre? Not the first time. Actually, I don't think ever. It was the front seat of a car. We didn't date. We were friends. I was sexually attracted to him."

G. Ross: "I noticed that he was easy for you to shuck your clothes and walk around here like a naturalist. Is that easy for you?

Moore: "Yeah. The first party I ever went to with adult industry people was like two years ago before I was in the business. I was so happy to be around industry people that I knew I could just get naked and no one would be judgmental. This was Matt Zane's House of Flesh - the first one that he did. I was the first person naked.

"My idea of Paradise is the water, the sun, not having to worry about boundaries. You go to dinner in your shorts and walk around naked."

G. Ross: "Aside from the fact that this episode with Jason is probably a guaranteed trip to the Howard Stern show, have you ever given a thought about what you want to do in this business - make a name for yourself?

Moore: "I'm going to try. I think it's harder to make a name for yourself than it used to be. Just because there's so many beautiful women in the business. If you're not a super freak or a super model, it's kind of hard to make your mark. I think the way I'll do it is through people. I enjoy meeting people and talking to people. That's how I hooked up with this kid, Jason. Someone asked Herschel Savage who might be a good girl to do this, he recommended me because a lot of the guys find me easier to work with. I make the work a little easier for them. I think that's a compliment.

"I think that's how I'm going to get through and meet people. Alexandra Silk is an example to me. She's not Janine or Jenna with a name like that, but she's making her mark because she's talented, she's beautiful, but she's friendly with people."

Moore said she didn't find the heat bothersome to her. "When I'm working, I don't notice it too much. It's the rest of the time when you're not working that you feel it." Moore said she was having a great time and wanted to come back if the powers-that-be so decide. "The guys [the vacationers] are really cool and seem to appreciate what's going on here."

When we got around to taking the actual virginity poll, Brian Surewood was of the opinion that Jason scored a legitimate broken cherry: "Willy was in the cave. It counts," Surewood declared.

Surewood said his loss of virginity occurred around the age of 12, when a young lady followed him from school one day "and took it". "She was a little experienced. I think she had done it once or twice before. She was 14," Surewood smiles fondly.

Tice Bune said there had to be an internal pop shot for it to count in his mind. "The internal pop shot is the deflowering," Bune declared. Bune said his first internal pop also came at the age of 12.

G. Ross: "Jesus Christ, what is it with you guys?"

Bune: "Here's the scenario. I was in a pup tent with two other guys, a girl and me. She was 12. We were all 12. We were playing in the backyard the middle of the afternoon. She was developed well for 12 and we got her to flash her boobs. Then we got her to flash her pussy. Then we asked if she'd let one of us do her. She said she would, but only one of us. So the way I lost my virginity was fucking this girl while the other two guys watched."

G. Ross: "So you started off with an audience. Was there a camera guy and a film crew?"

Kyle Stone says this. "He [Jason] never had sex supposedly before? So, the fact that he achieved penetration with a hard penis was a deflowerization. In most situations when you're really young and inexperienced, you're three strokes in and you blast anyway. I think the penetration is it. He got inside a girl, and that's pretty much the act right there. The coming part is another ball game. Particularly since I know what took him so long." [Viagra].

Those incidents of playing doctor which he relayed in an earlier interview, aside, Stone said his first act of intercourse came when he was 13.

G. Ross: "Was it missionary…doggie?

Stone: "I'd probably imagine it was missionary. I don't think I had that good an imagination."

Gina Ryder: "I don't think it counts as a devirginization. That's like when I used to fuck before and didn't come through just fucking but was able to by masturbating. Then when day it happened. It was it. I'll always remember that day. My first penetration-orgasm."

Ryder said her first penetration orgasm occurred in the adult business, but her first sex experience came at 15. "But I did blowjobs before that," she remembers ala Monica Lewinsky. Ryder said she was the aggressor in her first sex encounter. "We dated for a few months and I was ready to do it. I was ready in my head. It was in my bedroom. My parents were out of town."

Violet Love, who chewed up Eric Price's cock earlier in the week, thanks to lower braces, said, no, Jason, did not lose his virginity. "They had five or six positions, right? How long did it take for him to whack off?"

G. Ross: "About two minutes?"

Love: "Why did he take his condom off to whack off? He's been watching too much porn. He thought that was the natural thing to do." Love said she lost hers at 15, and that she was also the aggressor. "It was my best friend's brother. He came in me with a condom on. But I never broke my cherry. I had sex with my third guy when I bled. It was weird. Because the first guy was bigger than the third guy." [By several inches she indicates.]

Brick Majors, who likes to feel that he's never lost for words, was a bit stumped on the issue. "It's a tough question," said Majors. "I'd say he lost his virginity. He's probably been jerking for so long, that's how he's used to coming. He still fucked her though? That's losing your virginity. Once it goes in, even one full stroke. It's done."

Major's loss of virginity came as a result of a girl he and his brother shared. Probably the same one, Brian Surewood discussed earlier, Majors thinks. "If that was his first one, it was the same one. He got her first and I think I got her the next week." Brick, who was 16 when it happened, says he doesn't recall her name. "It was inside the house, and I think her brother knew something was going on. We closed the doors to the den, and, all of a sudden, he started hearing this banging noise. The banging didn't stop until I was finished. He wasn't too happy. It turned out to be a quickie. We didn't have too much of a choice."

Majors was asked to offer his impressions about the trip. "It's a great vacation," he said. "The weather's good. The food's good. Compared to some of the last working trips I've had like St. Martin's and the Caribbean, this is the difference between night and day. This is organized, everything's real nice, a nice resort, everything's clean."

Though everyone around was dropping from heatstroke, Majors professed not to be bothered by the humid conditions. Majors, who wielded a camera with a deft stroke during the Mila anal-alligator scene talked about later in this posting, has been at his hobby since high school. He says he keeps a photo album of all the girls he's ever been with.

When asked about Jason, Mark Davis said, 'If my cock had never been inside a vagina before, I would consider it deflowering my virginity whether he came or not. You're still getting devirginized because you're going into virgin territory. There's a lot of 13 year-olds getting devirginized and not cumming. I wouldn't say you would have to come just from coming to make it legit. I say it's where you put it. If you do anal for the first time, you don't have to come inside a chick's ass to do anal for the first time." In any event, Davis thought the whole issue amusing.

Davis said his first time came on a beach in Spain. He had just turned 15 and he was on vacation with his family. "The girl had just turned 18," Davis noted. "We met in a disco. She came up and started hitting on me. I went along with it. I lied to her. I said I was 18. I was 15 and already 6-foot. By the third day I told her the truth. She didn't speak to me for about an hour, then grabbed my hand, took me on the beach and fucked the shit out of me. It was on the beach. It was dark, and I remember every MINUTE of it. First time around, it's all overwhelming," he laughs. Davis says he has since lost contact with the girl. "About three days after that," he grins.

In Eric Price's opinion, 'If he [Jason] never fucked a girl before, then he lost his virginity. It basically comes down to busting a nut." Price said he was 16 when he was deflowered by the high school "slut". "Everybody knew about it the next day," Price said. "The whole town knew about it." Price said he ditched school, smoked some pot and went with her to his grandparents' house where he was living at the time. "We got it on. I'll never forget," he continued. It was good. It was great. It didn't last that long. It was good. It was great." He never did her again. "My grandparents were pillars of the community," Price said. "My grandmother was not happy about it. She said, 'Your grandfather and I have a reputation in this town. We're not going to have our grandson messing around with some lesser-to-do [fill in your own blank]."

Herschel Savage gives Jason points for loss of virginity. Savage said he waited "so goddamn long" to lose his virginity. "I just turned 17, and I was the last of my guy friends to get laid," he said. "It was brutal. I had no idea what was in store for me later on. But this was a girl I started dating. It became a very possessive relationship that was very difficult to extricate myself from. She was three years older than me, and we did it in the bedroom of the apartment where I lived with my family. I remember when I first got in, I said, 'Thank God.' I remember after I came, she cried. I don't know why she got so emotional, she wasn't losing her virginity.

"She was a girlfriend of a much more attractive girl that was dating a friend of mine," Savage continues. "We started hanging out together. She was very aggressive. For me, most of my earlier relationships came together because of the aggressiveness of the women. I wasn't a pickup artist. I was shy. I couldn't make that step, so I usually went out with girls I didn't want to be with because I wasn't aggressive enough to take that chance of being rejected. Soon after that, slowly but surely…"