This Is Not Your Parents' ''Password Plus''

This "Password Plus" is a different kind of word game than the one you remember hosted by Allen Ludden - it's a new, free-form database program aimed at keeping your random passwords and credit card numbers accessible and secure in cyberspace.

Developer DataViz says they're pitching it as both a convenient and mobile utility, with a $30 download including versions for both Windows and Palm operating systems, according to PC World>. They can also synchronize data between your desktop computer and your Palm handheld or smartphone unit, DataViz added, not to mention synchronizing between a pair of Windows desktop computers.

The company also plans to roll out a shrink-wrapped package of Password Plus at a lower retail price in March.

The product uses 128-bit Blowfish encryption, said PC World, which has also rated Password Plus "very simple to use" after testing a demonstration version. And if you want to talk about protection on protection, you can't even load up Password Plus without putting in a password first.

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