The William Morris Overture

From what our sources have been telling us, a guy who's been billing himself as William Morris IV may be William Morris IV, but not of the Hollywood talent agency bearing the name. What makes this somewhat of an issue/mystery is the fact that Stacy Valentine has been dating said William Morris IV and talked about him at great length when we interviewed her during the East Coast Video Show last month. Valentine was under the impression her William Morris was the real deal...until...we got a call from Ron Jeremy, who along with a friend, who's repped by the agency, bumped into Bill Morris at the Erotica LA Halloween party.

Jeremy: "You had a thing about Stacy Valentine dating William Morris IV. You'll like this. My friend and I go to the Halloween party so we meet Stacy and this guy.who's acting real tough and like hot stuff. He goes I'm William Morris IV. I own the agency. My friend goes to me, 'There's no William Morris IV.' I go to the guy [William Morris], 'Really? Didn't it stop at father and son back in the 1800's?' He said, 'I'll bet you guys a million bucks, if you guys have a million bucks.' I said, yeah, my friend has a million bucks. He works for William Morris. He makes a million dollars a script. The guy goes who handles you?' My friend says Cassian Elwes. He acts like he knows him. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hope he's doing good for you. He kind of quickly walks away. My friend felt like doing some research because we all get tired of these phony, hypocrites.

"There's a book called The Agency. It's about William Morris, that the old man had one son, and the son, along with a Jewish guy found the William Morris agency in the early 1900's. The father and son died, had no descendants whatsoever. There is not one William Morris alive today that's related to the agency. He's a total 100% fraud. I asked my friend are you 100% sure because I'm going to look pretty fucking dumb if you're wrong. He goes, 'I'm absolutely positive.' He checked with the top person at William Morris. The lady who runs William Morris in Los Angeles verified it that there's no William Morris IV anywhere. Anyone can have a driver's license with that name. It's a popular name. Obviously he's showing that ID, but he's a fraud.

"A guy like that can meet lots of girls. Supposedly Stacy met him through Mickey G. and Missy."

Jeremy questions why William Morris IV hasn't escorted Valentine around the agency if he's who he says he is. "If a guy's an owner, they would kiss his ass when he walks through the door," Jeremy said.