The Tawni Lyons progress report

The Tawni Lyons progress report posted on this site last Friday prompted a call to Gene Ross from Dave Cummings. "I shot with her maybe three or four months ago. To be real frank," said Cummings, "she's got to lose about 20 pounds all in her hips and butt. Besides that, she swallows." Ross told Cummings he adores big-assed blondes who swallow.

"I think your website's great," said Cummings. "I got in from a VCA shoot about midnight, and the first thing I did was go to your website. You're doing a great service. We all appreciate it. Thank God you're there."

Lyons, coincidentally, called right after Cummings. She talked about a shoot in Brooklyn that she had to cancel. "I got bad vibes when I walked in. It was real weird," she said. "I don't know when was the last time this guy cleaned his toilet seat. The place was horrible. I said, no thanks. I'll go back to Manhattan and take the day off. The place was disgusting, and he was a jerk to begin with. There was cat litter all over the place."

Contrary to the creeping poundage reports, Lyons says she's dropped a dress size. "I'm now an 11-12. Whoa-ho. I'm happy. I gained a bunch of weight about two years ago. You know what really pisses me off? I'm 5'9". I've got hips. I'll always have hips. Dirty Bob actually was worried that I had an eating disorder. I've been so busy. It's the whole adrenalin-thing. But I'm losing the weight I wanted to lose."