The Press and The AVN Awards Show

Paul Fishbein says: "Some explanation about press tickets to the AVN Awards Show may be needed. For the last several years, we have honored about 60-70 requests per year for press to cover the AVN Awards Show. While we do receive very little press, we still honor the requests.

"In past years, we simply didn't have any room. The ballrooms were small and we had to sell enough tickets to cover costs. Since a lot of the talent would rather not come than pay for a ticket (several members of the talent pool have purchased tables over the years so they could bring their friends and families), they got the freebies.

"But in recent years, since we've been able to secure large space, we have been EXTREMELY generous with press passes. As long as we receive written requests by November 1, we have accommodated ALL press requests for at least the last three awards shows. No, we will not allow photographers to stand at the stage to take pictures since it blocks the view of our paying customers and ruins the look of the video. BUT, we have always made chromes of the show available to all members of press after the show, for FREE!

"Finally, all legit press (that means you really have to have articles printed) will have full press access to all the trade shows we are involved with. But none of these fake press credentials. If you are truly press, you will be accommodated."