The O’Sexxxy Factor: Does O’Reilly Only Have One Thing on His Mind?

The sexual harassment lawsuit brought against Fox News and its top talk show host, conservative pundit Bill O’Reilly, has been settled, but not forgotten. Nor is it likely to ever be forgotten, thanks to a montage of clips that highlight what seems to be a fixation that O’Reilly has with salacious material.

The O’Sexxxy Factor is a five-and-a-half minute video montage of clips from the O’Reilly Factor that show O’Reilly discussing sex: oral sex, anal sex, bisexuality, triads and more.

The montage was created by Jim Gilliam, co-producer of Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, a documentary that suggests Fox News is a Republican propaganda machine, rather than the “fair and balanced” news organization that it claims to be.

Quotes were pulled from the recent Mackris lawsuit and interlaced throughout the O’Sexxxy Factor, tying the montage to the lawsuit — but the project was underway well before news of the lawsuit broke.

Gilliam told that while going through hundreds of hours of O'Reilly clips during the process of making Outfoxed, he came to the conclusion that O'Reilly seemed pre-occupied with sex, something that "seemed pretty strange coming from someone who claims to be a straight traditional family values guy."

"When we finished Outfoxed I began digging through the material in my spare time for a possible follow-up film," Gilliam said. "That was when I came up with The O'Sexxxy Factor. When Andrea Mackris' sexual harassment allegations came out, I felt people had to see the film immediately, and I rushed it out the door."

The video clips included segments with 58-year-old actress Suzanne Sommers talking about her active sex life, an interview with September Harness, an Indiana University – Bloomington student who became an Adult Internet model, and frequent references to oral sex and anal sex, among other salacious bits.

Oddly enough, not a single clip in the montage involved a porn star – despite O’Reilly Factor appearances by Jenna Jameson, Sunrise Adams, Savanna Samson, and Calli Cox, though O’Reilly alluded to Shane’s World 32­: College Invasion during his interview with Harness.

Check out the O’Sexxxy Factor here.