The Montana Saga Continues

Montana Gunn has resurfaced and, in doing so, is finally trying to get matters squared away with David Aaron Clark and the matter of an automobile owner's slip. Gunn's boyfriend Michael called attempting to track Clark down.

Michael: "We've been trying to reach this guy for three months trying to give him back his title. She ran into him in the valley, he gave us a number but has never returned any of our calls. We're trying to figure out what to do with this title. We just got a thing from DMV. He's got like $1200 in parking tickets. He's had the car [a Pontiac Trans Am, according to Michael] for over a year now and the parking tickets just started in June. They're like $1280.

"He first gave her like $2000, and what happened is she had the title and she said to him you owe me [another] $500. 'When I get $500 you get the title.' He blew the engine a month later, never gave her $500 and she never gave him the title. Then a bunch of other stuff happened. He's friends with a guy named Tom Zupko. Montana's up for Most Outrageous Sex Scene that Tom shot. Tom gave her a bad check which we still have. We gave it to Las Vegas PD, and they're going to prosecute on it. [Zupko has been contacted for comment.] Because of that situation there, David Aaron Clark started writing a bunch of stuff.

"She [Gunn] was living in Van Nuys when me and her got together. Then she moved in with me and she had all kinds of problems with Zupko because he was literally stalking her. We went through his Sprint bill and that's why he stopped. We were going to prosecute. Through his Sprint bill we had over 7,000 minutes of messages that he kept leaving her and calling her, trying to track her down. We got a lawyer. The lawyer sent him an email saying here's what we got on you. He sent an email back saying he was going to cease and desist. That's why she disappeared for that period of time. She was paranoid.

"We moved [to Texas]. We don't live in LA anymore. She's now a Seymore Butts Tushy Girl. She's a contract girl as of three weeks ago. She's got good things going. She's going to be in Penthouse in about three months. We're in New York right now and were in Boston last week. We were in Florida the month before. She's basically concentrating on featuring now and that's it. With David all we want to do is give him his title. That way he can clear up his own parking tickets."

Gunn herself said she was glad to be with Butts. "He's somebody who's definitely got his act together."