The Mark Kernes Lunchroom

Some men have greatness thrust upon them. Others have bridges, ballparks and lunchrooms named after them. In AVN senior editor Mark Kernes' case, it was the cheese danish. Greatness may follow later. In a ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday afternoon at AVN, publisher Paul Fishbein, complete with gold plaque, officially dedicated "The Mark Kernes Lunchroom" - a concept that's been threatening to happen for at least 9 years. For that was when AVN moved to California and Kernes, a freelancer for the magazine from Day One, came aboard in a full-time capacity. Fishbein remarked how Kernes [a Chinese food aficianado and former court reporter] would always comment how AVN needed an employee lunchroom. "But we never had the space until now," Fishbein said. There was nary a dry eye in the house. On this particularly occasion, however, Jewish deli, not Poo Poo for 60 was served.