The Kid Vegas Halloween

According to Halloween insiders, the late golfer Payne Stewart was the costume of choice this past weekend. Kid Vegas chose to be a dead guy, but not necessarily Payne Stewart. Vegas said he and his entourage made it over to the Erotica LA gig, but only for a half hour.

Kid Vegas: "I only hung out for half an hour. I stopped by with my friends in a tour bus - me and a bunch of mainstream actors."

G. Ross: "Anybody we should know about in your mainstream contingent?"

Vegas: "Corey Feldman was with me, but I don't want to drop any names of anyone else. I don't want to get anyone pissed off. We had a big party bus. We were expecting to have 25 on the bus but would up with about 45 people. We got drunk, and, of course, drugs were on the bus 'cause I was there. We went cruising around and stopped at a couple of places on Sunset. Then we went back to this mansion. The plan was to have a big orgy but it didn't work out. There were girls and stuff getting it on. It was fun."

G. Ross: "I heard you dressed up as Kid Sparkle."

Vegas: "No, no. I was dressed up like a dead guy. Max Hardcore dressed up like me. He called himself Kid Putz. He had Kid Putz emblems and pink, long hair. I guess he was trying to be more like Kid Rock...I hurt my hand. I fell down on the bus. I drink too much, and I tripped."

G. Ross: "Did you suffer any other injuries?"

Vegas: "No, just a blowjob. That's the only other injury I got."

G. Ross: "Who'd you get the blowjob from?"

Vegas: "A stripper."

G. Ross: "On the bus?"

Vegas: "No, back at the mansion. It was a four-story mansion. It had an elevator in the house. It was pretty bitchin'.....I want to mention about Jim Gunn. I want to challenge him at the CES to a celebrity death match. I want to bust his ass up. I'm challenging him right now and all proceeds will go to AIM. That's if he accepts my challenge. It sounded like he was making a threat towards me last week."

G. Ross: "When you say, fuck you, Jim Gunn, what do you expect him to say?"

Vegas: "Fuck you back."

G. Ross: "That's what he said in so many words."

Vegas: "I don't expect threats back. I thought he'd have a little more respect for Kid Vegas."