The Great Vasiloff Mystery Unfolds

Gene sez: "My interview Tuesday morning with Craig Vasiloff is placed in a more interesting context when reading the following statement released Tuesday afternoon by Fantastic.

"On March 28th, 2000, Craig Vasiloff resigned his position at FANtastic! Entertainment [o/o XXXGen Magazine, etc] and left the offices with a great deal of FANtastic's equipment, images, and data. He furthermore maliciously deleted all the content on numerous FANtastic Websites and computers.

We believed his actions were wholly inappropriate and illegal, and after numerous unsuccessful attempts were made to settle disputes directly, the police became involved and criminal charges have been laid against Mr. Vasiloff.

The Company advises that Craig Vasiloff is no longer a representative of FANtastic! Entertainment or its subsidiaries, and has no authority to bind the Company nor negotiate or speak on its behalf.

The Company also advises that promises made on its behalf prior to March 14th, 2000 by Mr. Vasiloff will be honored.

Any questions relating to the aforementioned should be directed to Mr. Steven Koskins, who may be reached either via e-mail at [email protected]; [email protected] or telephone (416) 977-4500."