The Great Houston Mystery - Solved

all of which lead to Internet speculation why she wasn't there. No sinister forces were involved and it had nothing to do with Sabrina Johnson's 2000 man gangbang, has had been speculated. Houston missed her flight, and Kevin Blatt who heads the YNOT Network, and who organized the Houston promo-op involving her recent labia operation that she was going to talk about on Stern, has a funny story to tell about it. Anyway you trim the labia, Houston's rescheduled for March 16.

Blatt: "Yours truly flew to New York without her. We were scheduled to be on the same flight. The flight was 9 am Sunday and the appearance was supposed to be 6:45 Monday morning. I get to the airport late. I'm getting there as they're about closing the gate. Houston and I had two separate seats. So I'm not sitting with her to begin with. She's in 34C and I'm in 21B. I walk on the plane, they're telling me to get my seatbelt on, assuming that she was on the plane. She was so looking forward to this.

We take off, I figure no worries. I go to the back to say hello to Houston. She's not there. I go to first class. She's not there. I start freaking out. Not only was she to go there to do the plugs about the plastic surgery, she also bringing a 9-foot surfboard for Howard to promote his new TV show Son of the Beach.

"She had a guy fly out to New York with his partner. They brought the surf board. Don't ask how they got that thing out there. The only way you could transport a 9-foot surf board anywhere in Manhattan is by double-stretch limousine. To make matters worse, because we had talked to the plastic surgeon last Wednesday and everything came down to the wire for the Monday plug, we had to get contracts and approvals.

"The plastic surgeon wasn't going to do this originally. He didn't want to turn it into a freak show. He didn't want to be known as the pussy doctor, so we're not using his name. And because we didn't book our flight until Friday, these tickets were $2,000 apiece for coach. I get to New York, I'm fuming, where the hell can she be. And I'm worrying about her.

"What happened was, Houston's nanny came late. She got to the airport five minutes before the flight was going to leave. Because they were oversold, they sold her ticket. She starts screaming and crying. They wouldn't hold the plane. The next flights after that are overbooked. She's at the airport for six hours. She couldn't get out. Needless to say, I get to New York, and the guy with the surfboard calls me at my hotel room. I am just pissed at this point. I told him Houston didn't make it. He freaks out. What am I going to do with a 9-foot surfboard he wants to know? We ended up walking it over six city blocks in midtown New York, Monday, carrying it over our heads in the pouring rain. People thought we were out of our minds. Anyway, the surboard's there and Houston will be giving it to Howard on March 16. It's supposed to be a surprise but I guarantee you the interns will show it to him.

"About the surgergy - is RB. Rich Bono is a 30-year old guy who's been in this business since day one. He's a gentleman, he's a player and he's THE biggest player on the adult web. They bring in about $25 million a month. Huge. I met Houston on a cruise ship in Miami and she was telling me she wanted to have her labia done. I said I never heard of a surgery like this. She said she always had a hang up about her labia lips. She also wanted to have her boobs done again because they're too perfect and they're too perky. She wants them to sag a bit. I started talking to RB about two months ago about this. I thought this labiaplasty was something worthwhile you could do over the Internet because she is such a household name; Howard's behind her and it's such a wacky thing.

"As it started gaining momentum, she's getting emails left and right thanks to you and Luke. So the labiaplasty's going to be broadcast live on on April 15, tax day. Get your tax refund and spend your $24.95. Not only will you see the surgery but also enjoy the feeds and all the other content. We're also going to be delivering her to the surgeon in Beverly Hills via a flame-painted limousine. Total Houston. It's going to be crazy. We're going to film the operation and you'll be able to see it upwards to a year on the site. It sounds crazy but people spent over a million seeing Carny Wilson getting her stomach done.

"Everybody wanted to do this, but the only one who came up with cash was RB. He believed in her as a marketing vehicle. Houston is such a great marketeer. She's something else. She's a pitch woman. I've got her a product right now called, which is a natural viagra. This girl travels 47 weeks out of the year. She's the highest paid dancer on the circuit featuring today. That's due to Charlie Frey. It's amazing that this girl works as hard as she does."