The Empire Goes Anal For May

The Empire is going anal. As in, May being declared Anal Month by Adult DVD Empire, with a couple of big-ass giveaways, one of which is called precisely that!

If you're feeling that kind of anal, too, the Empire in May is honoring anal porn with deals, contests, and giveaways - like savings on Seymore Butts titles at $14.95, Sodomania - the entire series, even - for $15.95 a pop, and My Baby Got Back, the whole shebang, for $12.95 a pop.

Yes, children, there is a freebie in there, too: you can get a free DVD when you buy any two titles on sale in May.

And, while you're getting to the bottom of Anal Month, don't forget to sign up for the Empire's Big Ass Giveaway - you could win one of 15 asses the Empire is giving away (on DVD, not in the flesh; sorry, folks) and a free copy of the Empire's exclusive Ass Appeal DVD.