The Check is In

Bo of LGI's check was not only in the mail, it came on Monday, made out to Blue Light Pictures, thus ending, for all intents and purposes the cyber war between Rob Spallone and Bo and securing for him his movie The Madam. Spallone says Bo called him Friday wanting to call a halt to bombing.

Spallone: "Kendra, who's out on the road dancing, first called up and said she got a message from Bo," Spallone said. "He [Bo] told her he made a deal with Craig Vasiloff. I talked to Craig and asked him if he heard from Bo because Bo told Kevin Beech that he flew to Canada and made a deal with Craig the day before. Craig said he hadn't heard from this Bo, Bo's crazy. Then Bo called about a half hour later Friday night. Bo said we should stop this. I said I had no problem. I said to Bo I told you this three times already but you backed out of it everytime. You told me to get your name off of Luke Fird, I got your name off of Luke Ford. 'But it was on the next day,' Bo said. 'You started again.' Bo told me about the deal with Craig, I said that deal has nothing to do with me. I don't make her deals. Then he said I'm going to take the pictures [of Spallone, Blue Light's Jim DiGiorgio and Kendra] down on The feud is over. I don't know how long. Bo said he Fed Exed you a check [which he did]."