The AVN Online Interview: Masuimi Max

Masuimi Max is by far the coolest, sexiest and grooviest model/actress/pyromaniac on the Internet today. A bold statement, yes, but until you visit, you have no idea. Her Website is without question a marvelous and explicitly chic expose of her life, past, present, and future. Her bio is a must-read, the video/photo content are both sexy and creative, and the whole fire-eating thing is eccentric and strangely arousing. You can even find out the origins of her name.

The intriguing Max has appeared in magazines, calendars, catalogues, and on the fashion runway; has performed wild acts of fetishism all across the globe; and is even listed on as having appeared in four films to date (she played the fire-breathing henchwoman in Cornman: American Vegetable Hero, in case you're unapprised of such cinematic matters).

There's something wonderfully fantastical about her site; all the different costumes, characters, and visual styles make for an adventurous outing. Max skips easily from a cutesy Barbie doll to the dark and mysterious secret agent with sexy and confident aplomb. She is blonde and brunette, she is dangerous and tender, she is metropolitan and girl-next-door; Max is whomever and whatever you desire.

Happy Halloween.

AVN Online: Your Website is great. When did it launch?

Masuimi Max: The member's area launched January 2003. The actual Website has been up for about three years.

AO: How involved are you with the daily operation of the site?

MM: One hundred percent involved. As of this moment I run everything on the site, including design, coding, and maintenance.

AO: Is there anything special in the works for the site? Anything you're planning?

MM: Hiring a Webmaster.

AO: You're famous for being a master of disguise.

MM: It is a natural urge for me to change my look. I love playing dress-up; that aspect did not leave me when I became an adult. I love dying my hair and changing my makeup and dress to go with it.

AO: What's the origin of the Secret Agent character you've created?

MM: Fits my real persona, with all my actions, travels, and everything.

AO: Is there one specific "look" that you like the best?

MM: Yes, the military look. I get compared to video game characters all the time. It doesn't matter what my current look is, I will always spice it up with some military influence. There are scenarios on my site where I am with a gun, no matter what my look is.

AO: How many tattoos do you have?

MM: Three big ones.

AO: Any new tattoos forthcoming?

MM: Maybe. I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

AO: What is the "politics" section on your site all about?

MM: There are things that need to be said and I am going to say them. Models need to wake up and grow up. I get tired of hearing models bitching about other models copying them. They know they saw it first somewhere else. How would they feel about the Hollywood movie star or rock star they are copying if that person started to complain about their fans copying them?

AO: Are there any specific artists that have inspired you as a performer or simply as an entertainer?

MM: I like Marilyn Monroe because she's sexy, Bettie Page because she's controversial, and pin-up artist Olivia because I always looked at her artwork, and now I am her artwork. Check out her new book, American Geisha, I am on the cover.

AO: What does it take to be a great performance artist such as you?

MM: Confidence.

AO: Are you still playing music?

MM: Nope.

AO: You won first place at the 2001 Miss Nude Dallas-Fort Worth contest. What did you get as a prize?

MM: A trophy and crown. I remember that much from looking at the pics. And I think I got some money; don't really remember, I was drunk as a fuckin' skunk.

AO: I see on the site that you have worked frequently with fire. Anything screwy ever happen?

MM: Sure, all the time. Damn stuff burns my mouth [breaks into laughter].

AO: What's the secret to eating fire properly? Is there a Golden Rule?

MM: Yes, always swallow... much safer than spitting [starts to giggle]. Isn't that a Golden Rule in other things?

AO: [self-consciously clears throat] I checked out your work schedule; boy, are you busy. I take it you like the travel part of the business?

MM: That is my business. I go where my work takes me. Although I do nude modeling on my site, my main job is that I model for a ton of clothing companies all over the world and I do my fire shows for all kinds of events.

AO: What career goals do you have for yourself?

MM: To take over the world.

AO: What inspires you?

MM: Beauty, violence, happiness, and anger.

AO: What makes you feel sexy?

MM: My army helmet - just kidding. What makes me feel sexy? When I go out in public and women glare at me and smack their men [more laughter]. Sexy, sexy, sexy... hmm... when a sexy chick hits on me.

AO: Is there a special talent you wish you had?

MM: Yes, floating and becoming invisible whenever I want so I can spy on people.

AO: When, if ever, is it appropriate to lie?

MM: When someone says, "Does this make me look fat?"

AO: What would your Bond Girl name be?

MM: Platinum Hawk.

AO: Favorite curse word?

MM: Fuck, shit, damn, Jesus fuckin' Christ.

AO: I see. Well, how about one thing you would change about yourself?

MM: The length of my torso. It's too long. It sucks trying to buy a one-piece outfit.

AO: What's your favorite part of your body?

MM: My extra nipples.

AO: What is it about fetishism that attracts you?

MM: The fashion.

AO: For those of us - that would be me - who will never get to a Torture Garden soiree, please give us a taste of what it's all about.

MM: I have worked with Torture Garden for a long time. I love them. Many describe their first experience of entering a TG event as like stepping into another world, a new dimension of limitless possibilities. Like entering a scene from a film, a fantasy, it can be anything you want it to be, with an environment that accepts and encourages individualism, diversity and free self-expression. Ultimately it's the crowd above all that generates the energy and atmosphere of an event, and they are the most diverse, radically dressed-up and cutting-edge crowd in the worldwide scene.

AO: Well then, could you please describe the underwear you have on?

MM: I don't wear undies.

AO: Yummy. Okay, I read that you were recently married; congratulations. Do you think the "married life" will affect your career, like your work schedule or performance?

MM: Nope. I am stronger now. Two is stronger than one and Allen, my husband, helps me so much. Without him, I would be so backlogged.

AO: Tell me a newspaper headline you'd like to read about yourself one day.

MM: Model of Mayhem, Femme Fatale Masuimi Max captures all terrorists.