The AVN Online Interview: Dee

As a member of the exclusive 'One-Name-Only Club,' which boasts a trendy line-up of performers like Sting, Madonna, and Bono, the tremendously sexy Dee is not only a popular adult performer and model, but living proof that God is indeed a man who knows exactly what he's doing. While the mere mention of the name "Dee" might conjure images of the bratty little sister from the '70s sitcom What's Happening, our, shall we say 'naughtier,' Dee is a different story - and she never had to trade barbs with a guy named Rerun.

The oldest of three girls, Dee is a native of Puerto Rico, was raised in New York, and later traveled west, finding a home in Southern California. Looking for Dee? Try the local bookstore. Dee is a voracious reader. A big fan of history, she points to Anne Rice and Thomas Harris as two of her favorite authors of fiction.

Since joining the adult industry in 1997, Dee's natural beauty and winning personality have helped her to enjoy a successful career in dozens of films, videos, and photo layouts. She also has her own official Website,, brimming with live chats, dazzling photos, a diary, merchandise, and more. And she's really nice, which comes as a breath of fresh air considering how loopy this business can be.

We were lucky enough to hang out with Dee for this month's AVN Online Interview, where we really find out... what's happening.

AVN Online: What are you up to these days?


Having my own, not too big, production company. I'm becoming more independent, doing more films. I'm focusing more on producing and directing.

AO: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

D: I know it might sound cheesy, but probably expanding my knowledge a little bit more. You know how they say we only use ten percent of our brain? Well, I want to use more. There's so much information I want to learn.

AO: Which language would you most like to be able to speak fluently?

D: Italian. I speak Spanish, but not fluently.

AO: When was the last time you told somebody to "fuck off?"

D: A week ago, and they hung up on me.

AO: When, if ever, is it acceptable to lie?

D: I think when you really, really don't want to hurt someone's feelings and they never ever will find out.

AO: What is your favorite sexual position?

D: Actually, it's missionary. A lot of people think it's old fashioned, but I like to feel the guy and his body weight against me.

AO: We just had a lover's quarrel. I was wrong. How can I make it up to you?

D: You don't have to buy me flowers or anything like that, but if we had a big fight and you knew you were wrong, just in your way apologize and make it up to me by being with me, cuddling, hugging... stupid girly stuff... holding me... sex. You know, like make-up sex.

AO: Where's the wildest place you've ever... done it?

D: I'll tell you two places. Once in the backseat of a car while my friends were driving, and another time inside these mountains in a park.

AO: What's your opinion on Dee from What's Happening?

D: I didn't really like her because she always told on her brother. She was always such a brat. I always wanted a big brother, so I was like, "Why tell on him?" It used to make me so mad. I would have slapped her down and told her to shut up.

AO: Favorite performer who only goes by one name?

D: Eminem.

AO: Speaking of Eminem, is he the next Elvis or just a no-talent putz who got lucky?

D: I'm not going to say he's the next Elvis, but he has talent, he's a great writer, but he just needs to curb his tongue sometimes. But like anyone else, that's how he gets his audience. Look at Howard Stern. He talks a lot of shit just to get you going. And he knows any press, good or bad, is good press.

AO: Okay. Why do you think Ben Affleck is so popular?

D: Because he's dating Jennifer Lopez. A while back it was like just 'Ben and Matt [Damon]' and now it's 'Ben and Jen' and it's supposed to be this big deal. I mean, he's cute, don't get me wrong, but he's not the kind of guy I would go after because there's something about him that I know is... I don't know, you just know he's a really deep undercover freak.

AO: Famous dead person you'd most like to have dinner with?

D: Queen Elizabeth, because she's royalty and she kicks ass. And Marilyn Monroe. Just too see what made her tick.

AO: Who was the last person to see you naked?

D: My boyfriend.

AO: Tell us what gets you hot and bothered.

D: When I'm being teased or when I want something and someone won't give it to me. So I start to get really sexual and keep pulling away and saying "no," but inside I'm all like "oh yeah, oh yeah."

AO: How would you describe your current state of mind?

D: I'm very driven. To have a better way of life, but at the same time, very laid back. I have to learn the art of being patient. When before it was scattered, now it's more focused. I'm more in the mind-set that I want to have something in the next four years.

AO: Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson. Who would you rather kiss?

D: How about Jennifer and Britney in a three-way? Does that count? Jessica is the odd one out. She's not my type. Britney's pushing it, but I know she's bisexual, so yeah... and Jennifer just to make her freak out.

AO: If you were a Bond Girl, what would your name be?

D: Quinzel.

AO: Favorite music to have sex to?

D: There's a CD called Sweetback, and the group is also named Sweetback. It's really mellow.

AO: If you were on American Idol, what song would you perform?

D: "Hero" by Mariah Carey.

AO: What makes you laugh?

D: People. Just people being themselves and being blunt. Not to the point where it's rude, just people being funny. Children make me laugh because they don't know any better, they just open their mouth and whatever comes out comes out.... People who are themselves and know how to generally enjoy life.

AO: Finish this sentence: "I need a man who ____________"

D: ...can please me and knows how to treat me. And can lay down the law when it needs to be done. Like my Grandma always says, "Women in our family needs a man who knows how to give us our space yet lay down the law when it needs to lay down."

AO: How do you like to spoil yourself?

D: If I do, I like to go on a shopping spree.

AO: Better Julia Robert's flick: Pretty Woman or Erin Brockovich?

D: I'll go with Pretty Woman.

AO: Favorite cocktail?

D: A melon martini. AVN Online: What's the toughest thing about being in adult entertainment? Dee: People pass judgment. They think the first thing in your mind or out of your mouth is sex. It's far from that. It's business. And because we do have sex for a living, we run off feelings and emotions and not just pure physical attraction. That's tough to battle on the outside. People assume, "Oh you have sex with so many people," so it doesn't mean anything. Once people get to know me, then they see the difference between the [porn] persona and who I really am... they can't click the two because they're so different.

There's a time and place for that persona. It's me regardless. If [a job] calls for me to be that person, she'll come out, but I'm not going to be around my normal friends and act like that. It's a different side of me. I'm very laid-back, very mellow. I don't like the attention. I just want to blend in quietly.

AO: What's your advice to would-be adult performers?

D: For girls, generally I ask them why and tell them if they're in it for the money, then get out as fast as you can. If you're in it to become a star, take your time, take your time. Just because they don't offer it your way doesn't mean it won't come around again. And if you want to be a star, choose the right project. Just don't over-extend yourself... Make sure you know what you're getting into.

My advice to men is to really think about it because it's harder than what it seems. Ninety percent of the time, I talk guys out of it because it's tougher to get in than what they think. And if you're new, guys... don't be cocky and don't hit the girls up and say 'Call me if you need it.' If she likes you, she'll request you. And do not tell a girl you've seen her movies and you're a big fan, because then she's scared. Rule number one. Never do that.

AO: Describe the underwear you're wearing right now.

D: It's green with a little satin trim and a bow on the front.

AO: If you could be in the cast of one TV show, which would it be and why?

D: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. You get to kick-butt. Can you imagine the workout you get every day?

AO: What are your hobbies?

D: I'm a nerd. I love to read when I have the chance. I love listening to music. I collect music. I collect lots of books. I love to paint when I have time. But I love to buy books. I go into a bookstore and I freak out, and I start buying all kinds of books knowing that I cannot read them all. But I save them for later. My biggest dream... have you seen Beauty and the Beast? Well, remember the part when he gives her the library as a gift? That's what I want, so bad. I want a huge room filled with books. D: But I also love to travel and talk to people. I'm a geeky nerd. I'm into everything. I'm not like a computer nerd, but I'm getting there. I just love learning things and learning about people and places and how things work. [My reply to her BatB question was "Yes," but I refuse to say whether or not I have seen The Little Mermaid. No. Never. - Tripp]

AO: What was the last book you read?

D: Andrew Vachss' Down in the Zero.

AO: If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be and why?

D: New York. I know it's freezing cold, but I always wanted to go home in the winter time for like a week or two.

AO: Tell us something people might not know about you.

D: I'm genuinely, truly, a shy person.

AO: What are your goals for the future? Is there any special aspiration?

D: To have my own clothing line. I have been talking about that for two years now, and I still haven't found the right people and the right place to go, and that's the biggest issue. I have the production company, which was my first dream, and my second dream is to have my clothing line. Not designing clothes, I mean like a label. I have been figuring a way to bring that all together. That's my second dream, and I am striving hard to get there.