Terri Hess Trial Postponed

Originally scheduled for October 4, Terri Hess' lawsuit trial against the Peninsula Hotel has been postponed to November 29. Hess was allegedly beat up by six members of the hotel's security staff two years ago. Hess explains the postponement.

Hess: "Unfortunately, my psychiatrist who had been treating me for post-traumatic distress, committed suicide about four or five weeks ago. That caused the postponement. It was quite a shock to me. She was a transsexual herself, and apparently quite troubled. She had been a noted forensic psychiatrist. A few years ago she decided to live as a woman. It didn't work for her. She got a lot of job discrimination and couldn't find appropriate work. I guess it got to her. I hadn't seen her in about five months then I got the call that she had committed suicide. It freaked me out. I went into panic attacks. We're trying to locate my records now. The court gave us more time. The judge wasn't happy, but what can you do?"