Sean Michaels \nSHERMAN OAKS, CA - Adult stars Tice Bune and Sean Michaels have been taken off the temporary HIV work quarantine list of Adult Industry Medical HealthCare Foundation, having been tested and found not to be infected with the HIV virus.

Michaels had been quarantined based on recent work with Aurora, who had worked recently with Tony Montana. Montana was confirmed as HIV positive last week. Bune was considered a second-generation exposure risk because he'd worked with Sabrina Johnson, who had in turn worked with Montana at the critical point.

But AIM has received Johnson's test specimen from Belgium and is processing it as quickly as possible. Johnson's been considered at best a near-minimal candidate because she had worked with Montana on an oral sex scene only. Even so, three other work partners - Alex Sanders, John Strong, and Brandon Iron - are still on temporary quarantine.

Where Montana himself acquired the HIV virus isn't known yet. AIM spokeswoman Sharon Mitchell says they're still trying to track who has worked with whom, with help from World Talent Modeling to develop and refine the quarantine and exposure lists.

Johnson's quarantine became especially notable because she had been promoting her forthcoming live Web cast, Gang Bang 2000, scheduled for New Year's Eve, at the time Montana's HIV positive result was coming through. Johnson had appeared at ia2000 and the East Coast Video Show to promote the event.

AIM, meanwhile, has apologized to adult stars Seymore Butts, Ron Jeremy, and Guy DeSilva, because they'd made the temporary quarantine "by mistake" because AIM had been given what Mitchell calls inaccurate information.