Jailed Latina pop star Glori Trevi has lost her porn library - police have confiscated some 120 porn videotapes from her Barra de Potosi beach home, plus two paintings, in a Jan. 27 raid while the singer remains in a Brazilian jail.

The search came out of a complaint from four domestic workers saying they're owed more than 18 months back wages, says the Associated Press. Trevi has been behind bars since earlier in January, when she, her manager Sergio Andrade, and a member of her troupe, Maria Raquenel Portillo, were arrested in Rio de Janeiro. Mexico has asked for their extradition.

They're accused of corrupting Karina Yapor, whose parents put her in Andrade's care when she was 12 for music training, allegedly under Trevi's influence. The charges say Trevi - known for a racy stage act which has been compared to Madonna - had procured girls for Andrede's pleasures under the guise of training them to join her performing troupe.

All three deny the charges.

One of the seized paintings was of a woman being raped, the AP says, and the other, supposedly, was Trevi nude and in tears.