Who says they didn't have a sense of humor back in the 19th Century? A joker put one over on this city when it buried a time capsule in 1873 - a century-old condom was found among the seed catalogs, maps, and coins during an inventory of the capsule last week.

Made from sheep intestine, the condom was found in an envelope tucked into a book and addressed to "the person who opens the box," says Nando Times. The airtight capsule was exhumed in December, and all contents were well preserved, the online newspaper reports.

As you might expect, though, the condom wasn't on the official report of contents appearing in newspapers when it was first buried under Rochester City Hall. "Someone snuck it in. This was a surprise," Ralph Wiegandt, Rochester Museum and Science Center conservator, tells Nando Times.

The museum will, however, display all contents, including the sheepskin prophylactic, on Feb. 19.