Pleasure Production's most popular tape these days is Live Bait, featuring the World Council of Wrestling's Chastity. But that isn't necessarily a good thing, because many of the Live Bait tapes being sold are pirated and marketed over the Internet.

Pleasure's Jules Jordan says eBay, where most of the tapes are being sold, has been cooperating with the company as much as it can to solve the problem.

"The eBay website is a one of a kind thing," Jordan says, "and we're facing an interesting piracy war because of it. It's overwhelming. We have a file two inches thick of people who are pirating the tapes. Most of the people don't even know they're doing anything wrong. But we're having a lawyer e-mail everyone who's selling it and buying it.

"Our Internet guy [Dave Reed] is on this every day," Jordan continues. "eBay shut down a couple of people trying to sell these tapes, but, after that, it got ridiculous for them. eBay tried to e-mail everyone attempting to buy the tape. They helped us out a couple of times, but by the time they can do something, the transaction's already been made."

Jordan says Live Bait has been selling between $10 and $300 illegally. "This has to be the most pirated tape of 1999," he says. "Some people have actually had whole websites with stills from the video. We've shut them down, but this is really crazy."

Jordan says Live Bait 2 is coming out next week. "You never know who you might find on it."