Jody (Babydol) Gibson \nHOLLYWOOD - They didn't say it when they found it, but when the gendarmes busted Jody (Babydol) Gibson as one of Hollywood's crown madams three months ago, her unpublished manuscript about life in the world's oldest profession had a jarring suggestion - that she'd had an affair with the Beverly Hills cop who was investigating her escort operation and ultimately arrested her.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Gibson says the relationship played a big part in protecting her from prosecution during earlier probes. The affair occurred over several years, with Gibson writing she and the detective often had sex inside the Beverly Hills police station, the paper says, with Gibson reportedly using his cell phone sometimes to book prostitution appointments.

The Times says the alleged affair ended in 1997 and that "sources" say Gibson thinks she became a prosecution target after the affair ended. She's been charged with 13 counts of pimping and pandering. The manuscript now is seven pages long, and she's said to be hoping it leads to a contract for a book about her life.

The paper says that, in the proposal, Gibson writes she and the vice detective had trouble keeping their affair secret. Sources tell the paper this excerpt appears: "We would have sex all over the Beverly Hills Police Department. The gym (where we were seen often), the stairwell and anywhere we could. . . . I would even use his cellular phone . . . and book gigs while driving around with him on call."

The same sources say Gibson also describes meeting other law enforcement officials while the LAPD was probing the Heidi Fleiss operation, meetings set up by her vice squad lover to help her get immunity from prosecution, the Times says. But the paper adds that other officials say no immunity deal was made during such meetings.

If the proposal turns into a book deal for Gibson, it wouldn't be the first time a madam parlayed a major bust into literary success. The New York police corruption scandal of the early 1970s yielded up Happy Hooker Xaviera Hollander, whose strikingly articulate testimony against a corrupt cop who'd tried shaking her down made her famous. The multilingual, Dutch-born Hollander wrote The Happy Hooker and two-best selling follow-ups, Xaviera! and Letters To The Happy Hooker.

Spokesmen for the Los Angeles Police Department say the Gibson manuscript portions they saw doesn't contain a thing about the alleged affair. They say it holds out promise of her talking about a relationship with a detective but nothing more, adding that that only suggested to them that the relationship she described sounded professional only, as in her being an informant.

The detective in question isn't commenting, says the Times, adding the LAPD so far isn't investigating officers' conduct involving the Gibson investigation.

Gibson is accused of running one of the largest illegal escort operations, with a clientele of over 100 men (including, the Times says, actors, producers, business wheels, and at least one pro athlete) and as many as 34 prostitutes working sixteen states and Europe.

She faces a court hearing 22 September in Van Nuys, CA.