The Body has a room named after him at a famed Nevada brothel. But Minnesota's new governor says he doesn't hold with a major newspaper zapping him for refereeing a wrestling show with scantily clad women while running ads for adult entertainment in its classified ad sections.

``I'm going to cancel all subscriptions at the Capitol because I don't want people thinking that we at the Capitol in some way support a newspaper that supports pornography,'' says Jesse (The Body) Ventura of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, which he now calls the St. Paul "Pioneer Porn".

Ventura made the announcement on his radio show Friday, the Associated Press reports. ``I will not participate with the Saint Paul Pioneer Porn paper anymore, because of the fact that we're going to take a stand on this triple-X, this pornography that they're peddling over there,'' Ventura said on the show, adding he expects the paper to intensify its criticisms.

Ventura's aides say they expect no broader ramifications from the feud. The paper says it will not comment on the Ventura outburst until they hear tapes from the broadcast.

Ventura was irked when the Pioneer Press attacked his return to the wrestling ring as a referee for charity. The paper's editorial Tuesday accused him of promoting sex and violence by the appearance.