A cinematic Peeping Tom has apparently put a new spin on child porn - he's wanted for hiding a video camcorder in a baby stroller to shoot footage of women in the dressing room of a clothing store in this Cleveland suburb.

The suspected voyeur was caught in the act Monday night, says, when a 24-year-old woman trying on clothing at Parmatown Mall heard a banging noise against the dressing room door and saw the camera pointing up at her - from below an infant's legs.

Parma police officer Bill Mauer tells APBNews the camera was on the stroller's footrest. The woman yelled when she saw the camera. When she opened the door, Mauer continues, she saw the video voyeur flee with the baby and stroller. He disappeared into the mall crowd apparently.

But the woman happens to be an illustrator by trade, made a mental image of the voyeur, and drew her impression of the suspect for store workers who told her the man had been there previously, both alone and with the infant, Mauer tells APBNews.

Police, however, have no other leads on the suspect - described as blond, 5' 7" tall, 170 pounds, in a tan jacket, khaki pants, brown loafers, oval-rimmed glasses, and pushing a navy baby stroller, Mauer says, adding that the video footage the voyeur filmed might be either for personal gratification or the Internet.